Renaissance Ranch

About Us

For Those In Recovery, By Those In Recovery. Hear Our Story

See Why Renaissance Ranch is Utah’s Best in State Program

For more than 20 years, Renaissance Ranch has been providing a world-class program of alcohol and drug rehabilitation for adult men. In this time, we have consistently had some of the best results and customer satisfaction in the field.

We offer clinically proven and evidence-based practices utilizing multiple treatment modalities in conjunction with an authentic 12-step approach and a combination of spiritual and faith-based principles, including but not limited to EMDR for those suffering from trauma. Treatment plans are based on individual and dietary needs and include Group, Individual and family-oriented systems of care, trauma-informed therapy, and a robust lifetime Alumni and aftercare program (See Band of Brothers for more details about this). These services, working in concert with spiritual and faith-based principles have been our unwavering commitment and the reason for our success. Let our best practices work miracles in your family, call us today!

We utilize a third-party organization to provide research and track our outcomes. We are ranked among the best in the nation for our success in bringing those through recovery.

Click To See Our Success Rate Outcomes
Audited by a Third Party Outcomes Organization | Vista Research Group, Inc

Ren’ais’sance, n., A revival of intellectual, spiritual or physical achievement and vigor. syn., rebirth, reawakening, restoration, and renewal. From the Latin rensc, to be born. Renaissance Ranch is a Utah rehab center that uses a faith-based addiction recovery program. We use the traditional 12-Step approach to treatment combined with Gospel principles as they relate to alcohol and drug addiction. We are owned and operated by individuals who have been through the challenging road to recovery, but who have been made more whole and stronger by that very journey. Now, we have taken our experiences and applied them to a recovery program that improves the lives of our patients every single day. We take those who are at their lowest point and bring them into a program that gives them hope and a blueprint of how to grow and achieve their best selves.

Our Mission

Our mission can be laid out into three main principles that we strive to make a key part of our rehab program every single day: TO PROVIDE a foundation of love and hope in the lives of those suffering from addiction through Gospel-centered solutions. TO SUPPORT each person in the discovery of their mind, emotion, body, and spirit through an atmosphere of acceptance and respect. TO ASSIST each individual in the development and realization of their fullest potential.

Gender-Specific Treatment

We believe that men and women experience addiction differently. Some of these differences are biological. For example, the number of drinks for a CDC classification of risky drinking differs between men and women, due to biological differences. Other key differences are societal and rooted in the shame component of addiction. Because of this, we offer treatment especially designed for men. Learn More About Our Treatment for Men!

Faith-Based Recovery

We believe that true recovery includes spiritual healing. It has been our experience that this approach has proven to be the most successful. A major component of our program is the 12-step program, which is the most successful widespread addiction recovery philosophy in history. A major aspect of that program delves into spiritual growth and even explicitly recognizes the need to turn the power over one’s self over to a higher power (although that higher power can be up to your personal interpretation). We ask that all individuals seeking treatment at Renaissance Ranch be open to this aspect of their addiction recovery.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest in your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Reach Out to the Best Rehab in Utah Today

Renaissance Ranch is committed to providing its residents with professional, private service and compassionate treatment. Our secluded ranch estate is designed to promote healing and recovery through an atmosphere of love, support, and respect. If you or someone you know struggles with addiction, don’t hesitate to give Renaissance Ranch a call today! We are one of the best and most premiere rehabs in the state of Utah. Our exceptional clinical and support staff is made up of highly caring and qualified individuals who will tirelessly work to find the best option for you or your loved one’s recovery.