Women’s Drug and Alcohol Detox Program
Your journey here will unfold in a beautiful, red brick mansion with stately white pillars and Georgian Colonial-style construction. It’s a haven for women seeking to heal in a supportive community of sisters.
No matter how you come to us, you will leave ready to thrive like you never have before, and we’ll provide the ongoing support to help you stay on this path of peace and resolve.
If you’re ready to leave addiction behind, you will want to heal in the right place with the right people. We know you don’t take this decision lightly, and we are proud of the services we offer to help you begin a new life, addiction-free.

Can’t I Detox on my Own?
Detox involves purging the body of all traces of drugs and alcohol. It helps your body become physically free from harmful substances and fully stabilized. As you work through the detox process, you can begin rehabilitation.
Study after study shows that detox is most effective under medical supervision with the assistance of trained specialists. No medication will take away all of the discomfort of detox, but the proper regimen of controlled medications can counteract many of the withdrawal symptoms. It can turn a seemingly unbearable process into a manageable one.
If you try to detox on your own, you will likely suffer much more from your withdrawal symptoms than you need to. It is not uncommon for people trying to self-detox to feel so miserable and discouraged that they simply call it quits and return to using.
The staff at our Idaho women’s substance abuse detox program is trained and equipped to help you through the detox process while minimizing discomfort and distress. We will customize your treatment to fit your needs. Most detox processes can be handled at our women’s residential treatment center here in Idaho. If you need hospitalization, we will guide you toward the best facilities.
Many of our staff members have been through the detox program for their own drug or alcohol addictions, giving them a deep understanding of exactly what you are going through. This makes them uniquely qualified to ease your journey and cheer you on to the finish line, even in the moments when you feel like giving up.
You will not be alone in your detox process. You will be surrounded by compassionate and competent supporters who will keep you accountable and focused on your goal of sobriety.
What Should I Expect on my Detox journey?
The length and intensity of your detox process will be influenced by how much you have been using and how your body is functioning physically and mentally. Detox generally lasts from seven to 10 days, but if you have been using large quantities and/or your body and mind are very run-down, detox may take longer and even require hospitalization.
The good news is that safe, manageable detox can be a reality for any woman who desires to be sober and take part in a qualified drug and alcohol detox program.
You can be more prepared for your detox journey if you know what to expect.
The physical symptoms of withdrawal may include:
- Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
- Fever and/or chills
- Sweating and/or shivering
- Extreme fatigue
- Elevated heart rate and blood pressure
- Headaches
- Stomach cramps
- Pain in the muscles and bones
- Distressing dreams
- Insomnia
- Seizures (in extreme cases)
The psychological symptoms of withdrawal may include:
- Intense cravings for alcohol and/or drugs
- Irritability
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Major mood swings
- Trouble focusing
- Hallucinations and delirium (in extreme cases)
What Happens After I Complete Renaissance Refuge’s Women’s Substance Abuse Detox Program?
Detox is the first step in a 60-day residential program at Renaissance Refuge. This is followed by eight months of outpatient therapy (with the option to reside in our sober living home). These programs are faith-based and built on the 12-steps program. They help women center on their true identity as children of God and learn to let the power of the atonement work in their lives.
You will live, heal, work, learn, and recreate in a community of fellow women who are on a journey similar to yours. You will learn from and support each other as you leave behind destructive coping mechanisms and pivot toward the life you desire for yourself, free of addictions and ghosts from the past.
What if My Needs Go Beyond Just Detox? My Family is Broken.
Our drug and alcohol detox program for women is the all-important first step toward recovery, but beyond that, we offer rehabilitation services that focus on your healing as well as your family’s.
We don’t have to tell you that your addiction is not just about you. You may have turned to substance abuse to cope with unhealthy family relationships. Sending you back to the family without resolving those fractures won’t help.
What’s more, your addiction may have hurt the people around you. They may not feel like they can trust you yet. They may resent you for the pain you may have caused.
Addiction can rise and fall on the quality of your family relationships, so our rehabilitation program is designed to help you and your family reunite in strength. We’ll work with you and your family through group and individual therapy sessions. We’ll help you confront old hurts and begin establishing healthy relationship patterns. This will allow you to move forward in a non-controlling (and non-controlled), supportive, and loving way.
No matter how broken your family is, there is hope! We have helped countless families heal and unify in ways they never thought possible.
Why Choose an Especially-for-Women Drug and Alcohol Detox Program?
While some may find success in co-ed detox and rehab programs, there’s a lot of research supporting gender-specific programs. Women often begin using for very different reasons than men do, and when it comes to recovery, they respond differently than men to certain environments and therapies.
Many of our female alumni report that they would not have had nearly the same success in a mixed-gender program that they had in our women’s drug and alcohol detox and rehabilitation programs. That’s because our entire program — from our home environment itself to our therapy programs to the activities at Renaissance Refuge — is designed specifically for the unique needs of women.
Here are just a few of the reasons we believe our gender-specific program is the most successful route to recovery for women.
Separates Women from Trauma Cues
Trauma drives women toward addiction at a devastating rate. Studies show that there is a significantly higher correlation between childhood trauma and substance abuse disorders (SUDs) in women than there is in men. Furthermore, SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) confirms that “women who have a SUD are more likely to have histories of trauma, including sexual or physical abuse, and abuse or witnessing abuse in childhood.”
Because of this high correlation, it’s especially important to separate women from triggers in their environment that keep them from rising above the trauma. Unfortunately, much of this trauma has been perpetrated by men. That’s why bringing women into a safe circle of sisters can allow them to shed fear, shame, self-blame, or other emotions that keep them from fully healing.
Removes Women from Unhealthy Relationships
It is very common for women to abuse substances with their partners. They may view using as a way to start or maintain a relationship with a boyfriend or husband. Separating women from the partners they use with can help them leave harmful habits behind.
And even if women aren’t using with a partner, an abusive partner or family member could be a trigger for ongoing drug or alcohol abuse. Women may turn to harmful substances to cope with the abuse. If women do try to quit, they may find that friends, partners, or family members try to sabotage their efforts.
Renaissance Refuge can supplant these toxic relationships with a strong sisterhood and sense of belonging in a supportive community.
Prioritizes a Strong Focus on Mental Health
SAMHSA cites a strong correlation for women between SUD and mental health conditions. That makes mental health care an integral part of the addiction recovery process for women. Our women’s drug and alcohol detox and rehabilitation programs include a heavy focus on mental health therapies. We’re not just trying to get people off of drugs; we’re trying to resolve underlying issues for lasting recovery.
Our staff includes mental health providers who are trained in the most effective modalities for addressing mental conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression. This includes addressing issues such as poor self-image, shame, and perfectionism. Our goal is for our sisters to return to life with strength, resilience, and rock solid coping mechanisms.
Facilitates Bonding
Throughout history, women have built strong communities for themselves. They gathered at wells to draw water and performed handiwork together (weaving baskets, sewing, etc.). They lived clustered in villages, which offered ample opportunity for socializing. They often lived close to extended family members, so aunties and grandmas could pull together to raise children and perform domestic duties.
In modern times, we have lost a sense of female community. We are social creatures who need each other’s strength, wisdom, examples, and accountability. And yet, we often come and go in our neighborhoods, rarely even socializing with the person next door. We have so many demands on our time that we can barely get through the day, let alone have time to enjoy the relaxed association of other women.
At work, we may feel pressure to climb the ladder, putting us at odds with other women instead of working together in harmony. As technology advances, we find ourselves buried in our phones, connecting through meaningless social media messages instead of through genuine, face-to-face communication.
Pile on top of all of this addiction, which can be terribly isolating. The shame draws us into the shadows, leaving us even more cut off than ever.
Renaissance Refuge offers a new take on this. Rather than asking you to get better on your own, we welcome you into a community. You live, work, recreate, and make memories together. You share triumphs and trials. You work through problems and disagreements in healthy ways.
They say Time + Shared Experience = Relationships. We facilitate time together and shared experiences, allowing you to form the strong relationships that will carry you from detox through rehabilitation into alumni programs. You can lean on the Refuge’s community of sisters to cheer you on as you progress toward lasting sobriety.
There is power in a support system, but it can be hard to know where to find one. Renaissance Refuge will provide that ready-made system for you.
Prioritizes Family Reunification
We are sensitive to the fact that many of the women who come to Renaissance Refuge are mothers. Women are often deeply affected by being away from their children. They miss them painfully and feel overcome with regret at not being able to meet their daily needs.
Some women have bravely chosen to leave their children in the care of others to come to the Refuge and heal. We recognize what a tremendous sacrifice this is and understand your goal of returning to your children as soon as possible. Others have had their children taken away, which is devastating and disorienting. We are sensitive to the emotional distress that comes with losing your children for a time.
Whatever the situation, we share your goal to reunite you with your children as soon as possible. We devote all our resources to getting you healthy and strong so that you can become the mother your children need for the long-term
Choose the Women’s Substance Abuse Detox Program at the Renaissance Refuge
If you’ve decided to begin a women’s drug or alcohol detox program, we commend you for your courageous choice. Our parent company, Renaissance Ranch, won the “Best of State” Award for our facilities in Utah. Renaissance Refuge in Heyburn brings that same high standard of care to Idaho. We are excited to help you begin again. Your journey starts today.
Call To Learn More
If you or a loved one suffers from the horrors of substance abuse, then don’t wait for the problem to get worse before you try to make it better. It is crucial for individuals dealing with addiction to seek help as soon as possible, so that they can find themselves on a path towards lasting recovery. Give our caring team a call today to learn more