Renaissance Ranch

Family Member Testimonials

Renaissance Family Member Testimonials

“Our family has struggled with several children who have been deep in addiction for many years. We have earnestly sought help at over a dozen treatment programs. Sadly, this had very little impact on our addicts and was virtually no help at all for us, the family members. Renaissance Ranch has changed our lives! We learned through their amazing family program that healing is possible, for ALL of us, if we are willing to work on our recovery just as our addicts must work theirs! Our journey of family recovery has been our greatest blessing.”

– Carolyn S.

“Our son decided to get help with his addiction a year ago this month. We are grateful that he found Renaissance Ranch and the whole amazing group there. Soon after our son started treatment, we were invited to attend the Family Group Program at Renaissance Ranch.

What happened next has been life-changing. We were invited to “work on our own recovery” in support of our addicted loved one. At first, this seemed to be an odd request. We weren’t the ones struggling to stay sober. We weren’t the ones in need of help. Soon we discovered just how incorrect this pattern of thinking was. We did need to change. We did need help in understanding the true principles of recovery. We needed to know what our son was experiencing and how we could contribute to his future path of sobriety. We discovered we had a huge amount to learn….and learn we have.

We are so grateful for the well-trained and loving leadership found in these meetings. We are now truly dependent on the continued support, increased knowledge, and serenity that comes into our lives as a result of being in this recovery family.

Take it from a couple that thought they were doing the right thing, a couple who thought they knew what to do to help their addicted loved one…..we didn’t…we needed to learn these tools and we needed to be continually nurtured in learning about this disease.

We invite any and all to attend and learn with us. Do it for your loved one. Do it for yourself. Do it for all those around you. Our promise is that you will be healthier and happier. Our promise is that your relationship with your loving addict will be strengthened and deepened. It is a true investment of your time that will return more than you could ever hope for.”  

– Chris N.

“Years ago I remember feeling like my family was experiencing some dysfunction but I didn’t have a clue how to fix it. The more I tried to save my two addicted sons, the more strained and difficult our home life became. Finally, I found the Renaissance Ranch and its amazing family group. My husband and I were active in our church and felt we had all the answers but nothing we had tried was working. It wasn’t until we started attending the family group at the Ranch that we were able to have our eyes opened to our behaviors that were contributing to the dysfunction in our home and actually hurting our son’s ability to stay sober. We learned so much at the Ranch family meetings and truly feel our sons may not be sober today had we not, as their parents, learned the Recovery steps and tools that have contributed to healing our marriage, our relationships with our sons, and our whole family! Today they are 9 and 10 years sober and I am so grateful for all we learned at the Renaissance Ranch Family Group.”

– Christy D.

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