Renaissance Ranch


 by Laurie B
Recovery is powerful

I’ll never forget when my son entered the ranch and invited me to family group because he wanted me to be “free.” What did I need to be free from? I couldn’t figure out what he meant. After attending family group for a few months I had a mighty change of heart as I learned to feel my feelings and access the atonement in a whole new way. I was free to feel, to love, to set boundaries and to stop the endless suffering of stinking thinking and trying to control other people. Learning to go to the “Prince of Peace” to find peace has been very powerful for me. My relationship with my son and my entire family has greatly improved. There is a lot of love in our family and a lot of agency. Recovery is powerful.

 by Anonymous
Work on your OWN recovery

When my sons were struggling with a heroin addiction years ago, my husband and I were invited to attend the a family group at the Renaissance Ranch Residential center. We asked Kris Groves, the residential family group counselor, “What is the best thing we can do to help our loved ones in recovery?” She replied “Work on your OWN recovery.”

We didn’t understand that statement then, but today we are deeply grateful for the principles and information we continue to learn in family group each week. Our sons have been clean and sober for 8 and 10 years. Our entire family is more unified, with deeper love and connection than would have ever been possible without the tools we learned at the Renaissance Ranch family group program years ago.

My husband and I are so happy to still be learning and growing today due to the principles and practices we learn from recovery principles, particularly the 12 steps, each day.

 by Anonymous
Path of recovery

Wow! I came to the retreat looking for ways to help my addicted love one through recovery. I came away understanding how codependent I am and realizing how much I need healing and recovery myself. I learned valuable information to start down the path of recovery for everyone. There is a long road ahead, but we’re taking the first steps. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

 by Anonymous
Journey of recovery

I really appreciate the staff at R.R. to spend two entire days with us teaching us. They are all so very helpful in guiding us through this oft times difficult and unsure journey of recovery. I now see that this is something I need as much as my (addict) child.

 by Janet Davidson
Healing And Peace

I appreciate so much the opportunity to attend the family retreat. My husband and I spent so much time concentrating on our daughter’s needs and addictions that it was so good to take time to concentrate on our own needs and inadequacies. I feel that a way is now open for my own healing and peace.

Thank you so much!

 by Anonymous
This Retreat Has Been a Wonderful Experience

This retreat has been a wonderful experience! There were a great variety of discussions, activities and lessons which were taught by therapists who had such great insight and experience. Participating in this retreat has truly started me on a path of recovery and healing that didn’t really seem possible. I have learned a lot about myself and my needs. I have learned that while it is important for my husband to continue to recover, it is equally important for me to recover. I realize that it will be a lifelong journey for both of us.

 by Anonymous
I Will Treasure My Time Here

Wow! I can’t express the love & healing that I have felt through this retreat. I wish I could experience it several times as my son also partakes and heals. The spirit that resides at this facility is overwhelming. I know that these people and this place have been prepared for the healing of many souls, not just those addicted to various things. I will treasure my time here.

 by Anonymous
This Truly is One Divinely Inspired Program

This weekend has been one of the best and enlightening times. This truly is one divinely inspired program. With an open heart and an open mind I have learned more about myself and my disease that I ever thought possible. I am grateful to the Ranch for teaching me feelings are OK and that taking care of myself is not selfish.

 by E. K. ( Loving Family Member of someone who is beating addiction and is in an amazing full-fledged recovery. )
You Will Feel Love, Understanding And Hope Like You Cannot Find Anywhere Else

As a family member of someone who struggled with the disease of addiction I want to give my grandest thanks to Renaissance Ranch and all of the staff members that work so hard to make it a wonderfully spiritual place full of love, joy and recovery. My life had become completely un manageable and chaotic as many will tell you that have had this horrible disease hit their homes. For me however, I did not know why. When my loved one was entrapped in the bonds of addiction, I was not even aware. I knew that behind closed doors, things were not good at home. Our connection with each other and our connection with our kids was un healthy and I could not ever figure out why.

Once I came to know that addiction had taken over, I then felt even more hopeless. Even more so than hopelessness I felt a lot of anger and resentment toward my loved one for having put me through such heartache and pain. I wanted and did blame them for everything. In an effort to try anything I found the Ranch and we gave that a shot. I remember when Tyson told me that I would look back one day on this disease of addiction and be grateful that the Lord allowed it into my life. Well, that made me even more mad. How could an addict in recovery possibly know what I felt? Well, my first night at family night when the Dixons shared their feelings and experience and echoed this statement from their son, that I would somehow come to find peace and ultimately I would be grateful for the addiction that hit our home, I figured everyone must be crazy.

The very first night at family support, though I was not sure what was going to happen, I immediately felt connected to everyone and in some weird way felt that things would get better. WOW! Did they ever get better? I have come to look forward to family support night at the Ranch more so than pretty much anything else in that week. I absolutely love what I have learned regarding the 12 step process and how it allows each of us, both the addict and the family members to find the true healing power of the Savior’s atonement. I can now say both Tyson and his parents were right and I am grateful for addiction in my life. I do not wish anyone to have to go through the pain of addiction, but to feel the sweetness of forgiveness and understanding is so amazing that I am not sure how many people would ever come to know how sweet it is unless they felt how painful addiction could be.

I would recommend the Ranch to anyone that is in despair from the effects of addiction. You will feel love, understanding and hope like you cannot find anywhere else. I am forever grateful to Renaissance Ranch for everything I have learned there and for all the love and support given to me from all the staff members. Thank you for everything.


 by Drew R.
I Feel Reborn

In July of 2013, I entered Renaissance Ranch as a father to three beautiful girls, a husband to an amazing women and an employee for a good company, yet I was completely hopeless and I had no desire to live. I had given up on myself. I was a slave to drugs and alcohol, and had been for sometime. When I walked into the Ranch I was embraced with open arms by other men who were recovering from the same addictions that I had, and the men were smiling and filled with hope. The staff there loved me and taught me that I was sick with the disease of addiction. They gave me the tools necessary to get better, and as I used them I started to have hope and I began to love myself.

While at Renaissance Ranch I rekindled a relationship with my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, and I strengthen those relationships daily by living the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. This sacred place enabled me to build a firm foundation of recovery for my life. I will forever be indebted to the people I met at Renaissance Ranch. They saved my life. Today I am over 5 months clean and sober, and I am grateful for life. I feel reborn.

 by Klay B.
They Figuratively And Literally Saved My Life

There are a few places in my life that I consider holy and sacred places. Without doubt, Renaissance Ranch is one of those places. When I walked into Renaissance Ranch, I was a broken man. I was lost. I was hopeless. I was absolutely positive that I had failed the test I was sent here to take and I was destined for condemnation. I never doubted God’s existence; I was simply convinced that He didn’t care about me. When I prayed… Nothing. When I hurt… Nothing. When I was at the gates of Hell… Nothing. I felt completely alone. My life had become one big façade. I was hiding behind the noticeable accolades of a full-time mission, temple marriage, priesthood callings, and having the “perfect family,” while in all reality, I was dead inside. I had a head full of gospel knowledge and a heart full of shame. I felt like a failure. I hated who I was. That all changed during my stay at Renaissance Ranch. I quickly realized that I wasn’t alone and that there were others who felt the same feelings of self-hatred, failure, and shame. This realization, coupled with the nonjudgmental environment of the Ranch, I was able to be completely honest and open for the first time in my life. From the guidance and empathy of my counselors and brothers, I learned it was okay to feel and I started to believe that there was hope. I was able to feel loved by others, to love them back, to start loving myself, and amazingly, I began to feel the love of my Savior. The Atonement was no longer just for forgiveness of sin. It became a relief of shame and guilt. It became a comfort for hurt and pain. The Atonement became real. I am so grateful for Renaissance Ranch, its staff, and the counselors. They figuratively and literally saved my life. Today I have a life filled with honesty, hope, and love. I am able to be the husband, father, and man I have the potential to be. My life is real. When I went into Renaissance Ranch, I thought my life was over. To my surprise, it was just beginning. You’re not alone. There is hope.

 by Chris H.
I Am So Glad That I Came To The Ranch

I arrived at the Ranch a broken man – hopeless, angry, full of fear and suicidal. My alcoholism and drug addiction had caused me to completely withdraw from my family, my career and myself. In a last plea for help my wife found the Ranch. A few days later I was on a plane, a staff member picked me up at the airport and made me feel welcome and not judged. When I arrived at the Ranch I was welcomed by the staff and all the clients who I would soon learn were my brothers in a road to our recovery. I later learned I wasn’t a bad man but a sick man with a disease, and that if I could listen and open my heart I could find a path to recovery. Today I thank God for all the blessings I have had since walking into the Ranch and finally surrendering my will and my life to Him. My life is manageable today; I’m sober and have learned how to use the tools that were taught to me while in house and in the aftercare program. The staff at the Ranch is top notch and everything they do is in the best interest of the client and comes from their hearts and their own experiences. I have brothers in recovery today who I can count on when I am struggling and the staff is always there when I need help. I have hope today, love in my heart and I have my family back – as long as I continue to stay on the course to recovery and this will go on the rest of my life if I’m honest with myself. If you are finally ready to surrender and listen to people who know what’s in your best interest then this is the place. I have nothing but great memories from my time at the Ranch and I am at peace with myself today. It took what it took for me to gain sobriety and I am so glad that I came to the Ranch.

 by Landon H.
I Change My Life With The Help of The Ranch

“It’s hard to express how much the Ranch means to me. Not only did I change my life with the help of the Ranch, but the lives of those in my family have been forever changed as well. I am grateful for who I am today. I am a better son, brother, father, and man, and I owe a big portion of that change to Renaissance Ranch.”

 by Taylor P.
The Ranch Taught Me The Secrets To Happiness

I thank my Heavenly Father every day for allowing my family to find the Renaissance Ranch and the treatment team there. My family first became acquainted with the Ranch back in the summer of 2006 when my older brother overdosed and was nearly dead. A few days later he was checked into rehab and the journey began. My brother and I had actively used drugs and alcohol together for the previous 6 years and to see him almost dead, one would think that I would just stop what I was doing and get help. I couldn’t though, I had lost my freedom of choice, it had literally been taken from me and I was completely powerless in making any kind of decision for myself. The only thing I knew how to do was lie, steal and manipulate to get the things I wanted. And the things I wanted were drugs and alcohol. My wife, my son and the relationship with my family were no longer important to me, the only thing that mattered was finding a way to get high! Eventually the drugs didn’t work anymore and I no longer had the desire to live. I started to question everything and looked back and asked, how could I, who was raised with good moral values, who served an honorable mission for my church and had a temple marriage be where I was at today. I was completely hopeless! Nothing else mattered, and I had often hoped that I would not wake up the next morning. But I did! I woke up one morning in June of 2009 and decided it was time for me to make a change. I didn’t know where the decision to go to rehab came from, but looking back now, I know it was my Heavenly Father pushing me through the doors of the Ranch! I had witnessed my older brother and the change he made, he was doing so many good things and was happy. He was truly happy, and he was sober! I had to know what the secret was. The Ranch taught me those secrets to happiness, and I found out my divine worth as a son of God. I learned about the Atonement and it was so simple. I found that the Atonement of Jesus Christ was simply the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous in action! I worked the steps and along the way formed a relationship with Jesus Christ which will never be broken. I love me for me and I love who I am. I am a Son of the Most High God! And ALL my relationships that I had damaged over the years have been restored! I never would have known these truths or had my relationships restored without my involvement in the Ranch! To H, Steve, Don, Dave R. and to the beautiful Kris Groves, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. My wife thanks you. My son thanks you. My mom and dad thank you for helping 2 of their precious possesions to find their true meaning and divine worth! Without my family finding the Ranch, I honestly feel that my mom and dad would have buried two of their 4 kids because of this disease! God Speed!

 by Justin N.
A New Journey Of Life And Freedom In Recovery

Renaissance Ranch will always be a special place to me and will always have a special place in my heart. I had already attended one rehab facility. The Ranch truly saved my life by teaching me and allowing me to understand and love who I am. I learned that I was not a bad person, I was a very sick person trying to get better. It was the love and care the counselors and staff had for me. Their loving environment, along with the tools that were taught, directed me to a spiritual and healthy start, a new journey of life and freedom in recovery. Thank you for the service you provide to all those who accept it.

 by Dustin L.
A Gift That No Amount of Money Can Ever Repay

Renaissance Ranch gave me a gift that no amount of money can ever repay. Through their unique, caring approach I learned how much I was loved, and that I never had to feel alone every again.

 by Tyler G.
The Ranch Has Given Me The Tools To Live A Life I Never Thought Was Possible

My sobriety date is July 15 2008. And for that I am very grateful. The ranch has given Me the tools to live a life I never thought was possible. I have never forgotten the feelings I felt when I was there in treatment and that’s what gets me through the day, is the feelings and brotherhood that I was so blessed with while I was in the ranch. I owe my life to the program that was shown to me in and through the ranch. Thanks ranch

 by Tyson D.
I Have Been A Witness To Modern Day Miracles

My name is Tyson and I am a recovering alcoholic and addict. I went into the Renaissance Ranch at the age of 22 in Sept. 2008 and have been clean and sober since. When I first walked into the Ranch I immediately noticed something different from all the treatment centers I had been involved with before and that was love. Love from the other clients is there and genuine love and concern from the counselors that worked there. Guys that had been sober for years still came back to the A.A. meeting every Wednesday and they were happy and succeeding in life even though they had been seemingly worse off than me. The counselors and the brothers in the Ranch helped me see the things that I could not see that were holding me down and keeping me in addiction. Because they had been where I had been, they were able effectively communicate to me and to guide me through and re-introduce me to my higher power and I was able to see light at the end of the tunnel and feel what hope feels like. I started to recover a day at a time and feel peace like I never had known possible. I could probably write a book on my experience and one day probably will ha ha. The thing is, is that I am still having the experience, I get to recover on a daily basis. I get to know peace and joy today. I get to feel. I get to love and be loved. I get to live! Not only did the Ranch teach me how to not use drugs or alcohol, they taught me how to deal with life and enjoy the ride. I have seen many many people recover through the ranch. I have seen addicts like me recover and get married, serve missions and go back to school. I have seen men become the husbands and fathers that God intended them to be. I have been a witness to modern day miracles. It is because I am one of these that I write a small part of my experience with the Ranch as they helped introduce me to recovery and my God. I owe them alot more than words. So as long as I am breathing I will strive to be at the Wednesday night brotherhood A.A. meeting every Wednesday.

 by Tony S.
There is Hope

Drugs and alcohol have always been a part of my life. I started using at 13 years old. I needed an escape from abuse; I did not want to feel anymore. It did not take long for it to start to control my life. I was in and out of different rehabs. I knew that if I didn’t get help and really get help this time I would die. I was close to losing everything in my life. I was sick of living the way I was. By a miracle, we found the Ranch. It felt right from the beginning that this is where I needed to be. I had been to a lot of different rehabs throughout my life, but not one that had also taught gospel principles. I was so sick. The beginning is always the hardest. The staff made me feel so loved and made me realize that just because I had made so many mistakes that my Heavenly Father forgave me and was just waiting for me to come to him. I now know that the reason this is working this time is because not only do I need to work the AA program but that I have to allow God to help me everyday.

The Ranch taught me the tools that I have to use everyday to stay clean and sober. The lifelong friendships that I have made at the Ranch – I am also so grateful for. I have to take everyday one day at a time. I take this disease very seriously because it kills and I have seen what it can do. The Ranch has truly saved my life. Words cannot express how thankful I am for the dedication they all have to spend their lives helping others. I will always struggle with the disease of alcoholism. I have been where some of you are now. I know the hopeless feeling and the emptiness that comes from drugs and alcohol. But, just know that there is hope. You are not alone and there really is help, you just have to want it. I have been blessed in so many ways. I have been given a second chance at life and I am looking forward to my clean and sober future.

 by Nils
With All My Heart I Thank Everyone at Renaissance Ranch

The Renaissance Ranch experience was and continues to be profound, life-changing, and wonderful for me. During my stay at Renaissance Ranch, amazingly talented and truly caring professionals identified and then treated the root causes of my addiction to alcohol and drugs. I am especially grateful that I learned solutions that were based on gospel principles and that those solutions were presented in a way that motivated me to change. Even though the process was difficult at times, everything I learned and experienced at the Ranch felt right.

Consequently, I have my life back. I have real hope for the future. I am confident that through the powerful support of my brothers, the Rancheros, and by using the ‘tools’, (AA’s 12 steps and many others) I acquired at the Ranch, I will continue to be empowered to achieve my hopes and dreams in this life, to stay sober, and to be of service to my family and others. With all my heart I thank everyone at Renaissance Ranch!

 by Brett
Light Has Been Restored To My Life

My name is Brett. I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. I was alone and hopeless. I had lost all desire to live and was confused with the purpose of my life. Through the grace of God I found Renaissance Ranch and began my recovery journey. I have the chance again to live and have found peace and serenity in my life through the Atonement of my Lord and my Savior Jesus Christ. I was taught about my disease of alcoholism at Renaissance Ranch and have learned that with the help of others and with the help of my God that I can recover. Life has a purpose again.

Light has been restored to my life through the principles and lessons I learned at Renaissance Ranch. It’s amazing to me that I’m finding my God and my Savior through recovery and that this journey began with the love and counsel of all those involved at Renaissance Ranch. I believe that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ I may continue to be healed and that my life has a purpose once again. Love your brother in recovery,

 by Marriott M.
The Single Most Important Decision I’ve Made In My Life

Drinking and drugs were a curiosity that started at the age of 13 and continued in what I thought to be an innocent phase. Finishing high-school many of my “party” buddies began cleaning up, growing up, and moving on with their lives. I too decided I better sober up and move on. This lasted for a couple of years, and allowed me to serve an LDS mission and marry my high-school sweetheart. Although on the outside I had the appearance of success, there was something wrong, and I once again turned back to the only solution that I knew…drugs.
After years of hiding the addiction, I was now trying any and all methods to get my life “back on track”, with no success. The cognitive techniques and self-help books brought brief relief, followed by a deeper level of discouragement and loss of hope. I was finally broken to the point that I was willing to accept help outside of my own efforts.

The initial motive for entering the Ranch was to feel better. I wanted someone to put their arm around me and confirm all the self-victimizing thoughts I had. I DID receive the arm around the shoulder, but instead of some superficial, cognitive “feel-good” treatment, the Ranch provided the environment and help in getting down to the core issues that fueled the motives for my self-destructive behavior. Once these core problems were exposed and dealt with, the counselors and staff helped create a solid foundation, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically that I could build the rest of my life on. If you’re reading this, then you either have someone close to you struggling with addiction, or you yourself are the one that understands what I mean when I talk about the indescribable hell it is living your life imprisoned as a slave to addiction.

The Ranch helped develop the skills necessary to deal with life and all the ups and downs of reality. I learned that I no longer have to be ashamed of my problem, but can have humble confidence and help lead others to the life I’ve found. The decision I made to enter the Ranch and trust in the process was the single most important decision I’ve made in my life. I will do anything to convey this message to the addict or alcoholic that is still suffering. I’m an outspoken, non-practicing, drug addict that will share my message with anyone. Feel free to contact me as a reference.

 by Dave P.
My Life Began To Change On That Very Day

It is difficult for me to express the level of gratitude that I have in my heart for the owners and counselors of Renaissance Ranch. My love and appreciation for them is genuine and true. In my life, the reality of the adversary has been very real and very painful. At the low points in life, I believed that I was literally bound and truly in the gall of bitterness. I believe that Satan thought I would never change. He had claimed me as his. I felt powerless, alone, and like I had no choice. After 18 years of abusing drugs and alcohol, an honorable mission, temple marriage, and three beautiful children, I overdosed on July first of 2006.

I entered the Ranch on July sixth. My life began to change on that very day. I could feel the presence of something I had once been very familiar with, The Holy Spirit. I began to feel hope and peace as I worked through my past. I was introduced to the 12 steps. I listened to My counselors and my brothers suggestions. I got honest with myself. It became very clear to me that I was never stripped of my agency, I simply gave it to the wrong brother. I was re-introduced to the Big Brother who loves me. The Very Savior of The World. My Personal Savior and Friend, Jesus the Christ.

My testimony of my experience is this; I was administered to by men and women who have been called to this work. They know God and His Eternal Son. My relationship with the Savior was restored through people who have been given a special gift and have chosen to pass it on. I love you H! I love you Steve! and to the only woman of Renaissance, I love you Kris! Thank you for loving me like the Savior, for teaching me like the Savior, and restoring hope like the Savior. You are truly fishers of men.

All my love and affection.

 by Mitch
The New Me

I can’t begin to put into words the joy that I feel now. I am living proof that there is life after the drugs! My downward spiral began a number of years ago when I legitimately needed something for physical pain. At that time it became apparent that I was experiencing emotional and spiritual pain as well. My drug conveniently became a coping mechanism for all of my problems. In time, the drug became the problem. And it was huge!! I lost track of who I was and how to be a husband and father. I felt abandoned by my God and my family. I started on a journey of self pity and denial. I was so alone! I thought I could mask the self hatred and shame by taking more of the drugs. I used and used and used! I completely lost track of who I was and why I should continue living. I was a mess!

It was then that a loving family intervened and came to my rescue. But why should they? I was always right and they were wrong. They didn’t understand! Nobody understood! Somehow I landed at Renaissance Ranch. It was there that the healing process began. My physical body required attention and care. I learned to eat again. I began to exercise and work my muscles. But more importantly, my spiritual self emerged. I was reintroduced to who I actually was. I learned of my potential and my divine parentage. I actually felt the profound gift of my Savior’s atonement in my life. That wonderful gift actually had an application to me now! I was able to discuss feelings and fears with inspired and qualified counselors. I could find safe haven in my brothers. After all, we were fighting the same battle. My 60 day in-house recovery program literally saved my life! I left with a commitment to continue on with a 90 day “after care” program where I was able to associate and assist with others just like me. I continued in my efforts with the counselors and discussed challenges and successes that I was experiencing. The “after care” program further strengthened my resolve to progress in my recovery. Now, as an alumnus of Renaissance Ranch, I continue with a life long contract and commitment to work my own recovery as well as assist my new brothers with theirs. Life is good! Yes, very good!!

 by Arthur
They Will Love You When You Don’t Love Yourself

To my Brothers in darkness and despair:

My name is Arthur of Nashville, TN. I am privileged to write these words of truth and hope to you. I have been blessed to have been one of the first brothers to go through this awesome place, Renaissance Ranch. Heavenly Father has seen fit to put it here for his most valiant of spirits, to come and to learn a way to return to a life that will bring us happiness.

I have lived my life in pain and misery for a long time. Living my life believing the “lies” that have been taught to me. That I am a horrible person, that I’m just not ever going to be able to live the strict law that Bishops and Apostles live. That I could never be that good.

I was baptized at the age of 20 and stayed sober only living the Gospel for 1 year. I then relapsed and have been away for about 8 years. In that 1 year, I developed a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Godhead and Prophets. As soon as I chose to pick up drugs again, all the miracles I had received and witnessed totally went out the door. My life went with it!

I was introduced to the 12 Steps in 1995 but at that time I wasn’t willing to take or do any suggestions that were given to me. I am willing to go to any lengths today, mainly because I was so miserable without God in my life.
That’s enough about me and I hope you can relate enough with me to listen about a place. If you have admitted complete defeat, that will open your heart and mind to a life of happiness.

The “Ranch” is a place far enough out of the world that you can begin to calm the crap in your head long enough to see the truth about your life. They will show you that the life you are living, inside the box of your addiction where you can’t see any other way, is not the only way to live. They will show you how to be happy and how to overcome this obsession with drugs and alcohol so that we can fill the hole inside of us. They will love you when you don’t love yourself, until you can develop your relationship with your Savior so he can fill the hole.

I’ve been to 3 other “high profile” treatment centers and I have never experienced what I have at Renaissance. I was so scared coming to Utah but when I arrived, I was immediately loved by my brothers in here and those that run the place. We realize and feel the same love we felt for each other in the pre-existence. There are so many things that happen on a daily basis if you are willing to become honest with yourself and with others. The bond that you make with them will be on an Eternal level.

I guess the biggest thing that I learned was that I am truly a Child of God who is worthy of all of the wonderful things that he has in store for me. I no longer choose to believe the lies anymore. I can live the Gospel with the Savior’s help and so can you. My favorite scripture is Alma 32: 26-27. Please read it as it speaks to Faith and putting it to the test.

All you need is the desire and he will pick up the rest. Take the experiment and love yourself enough to help yourself. I hope you will come and be a member of our “Band of Brothers”.

 by Greg S.
The Miracle Has Happened And I Am Truly It

Miracles, is there such a thing in the world today. Here’s my story of the miracle at Renaissance Ranch. It was my third go around at Volunteers of America detoxification center in Salt Lake City. I was hopeless and desperate and saw a picture of Jesus on a bunk beside me, as I was contemplating how to kill myself. I thought of my younger years as a Catholic and how Jesus was supposed to love us as he died for our sins. I was not to sure if he would forgive me but I was in so much remorse that I did not believe in any redemption what so ever. I had not prayed to him in many years. I was at the end of my rope, so I went out side under the stars and uttered my first of many prayers to this magnificent being. I had begged him if he was still there to help me to over come this powerful addiction. There was many tears that night.

With in a few days my prayers were starting to be answered. Two angels appeared in one of VOA case workers office by the name of HR and Steven Brown. They were hoping to find a willing soul to come up to their new treatment center called Renaissance Ranch. I was one of several who were called up for the assessment. As I was being interviewed I knew without a doubt that the Lord was answering my call. My situation was grave. I was homeless and no means of any financial assistance. All I had was the clothes on my back and I have been wearing them for several weeks. We completed the assessment and they told me they would contact me the following day. The case worker called me to her office the next morning, she said that I was accepted to the program and I would be leaving in a couple of days.

I could never have dreamed of a life I have received through the spirit and the loving counselors at Renaissance Ranch, the 12 Steps, the Gospel and the LDS faith. I have overcome a hopeless state of mine and body and have been reborn into a new life beyond my wildest dreams. I do not struggle with my addiction, I have a loving relationship with our Savior, ongoing support from the wonderful counselors and a life long involvement with the facility as an alumni.

The miracle has happened and I am truly it. I was the very first client and am very grateful for what Renaissance Ranch had helped me to find; myself, our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and many friends for all eternity!

 by Dave R. “Shakes no more”
I Will Always Be Grateful For This Experience

To Anyone “Alone”:

I was worn out and tried to do this stop drinking and using pills “Alone”. Well, it did not work for me and I was going to die “Alone” and I knew it. So I gave up and asked for help from an LDS Bishop who found Renaissance Ranch. I was willing to try anything to take me out of this dark life I was living. I went to Renaissance Ranch and met others just like me. Together we shared all of our dark life experiences and we were counseled to search for Heavenly Fathers’ help. We were no longer trying to do this recovery process “Alone”. We prayed together and worked the 12 Steps of AA. This along with the fellowship of my Brothers helped me to find a better life and connection with my Heavenly Father. I now have him in my life and am happy with my recovery program. I’m still with my counselors today at Renaissance Ranch and am attending Aftercare and meetings. I will always be grateful for this experience. I know now why I’ve traveled this path, it’s so I can be here and now you won’t be “Alone” anymore. You help to keep me sober today…. Thank You.

God Bless.

 by Roger S.
I Am Eternally Grateful For The Sacrifices And Love of Everyone at The Ranch

I have been called to serve a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in the Fort Collins, CO mission. I am eternally grateful for the sacrifices and love of everyone at The Ranch. I attribute my recovery to God, hard work, and the things I learned while I was there. I am so excited to go serve my Heavenly Father, it has been a long hard road to get here but I know it is what he wants me to do. My heart is full of gratitude and love for those who have cared for me…

 by Christie
Renaissance Ranch Saved My Life

Renaissance Ranch saved my life. I walked into those doors scared, addicted, and ready to end my life. I had lost everything due to my addiction and it was only a matter of days before my time was up. I think depression and suicide was my main concern and that was a result of my addiction. I did everything I could to do make it on my own, alone with my addiction. At Renaissance Ranch I began to realize that there are other people who have struggled like me that have survived and have a happy life. There are ways to overcome the dark dreary life of addiction. There is no way out unless you surrender to doing the work and being completely honest with yourself. It was here that I learned about the Twelve Steps and became aware that this is bigger than me and I cannot do it alone anymore. In the safe environment at Renaissance Ranch, I became acquainted with a whole new me. I learned things about myself I would never thought possible. I worked through serious core issues that were the root to my self destruction. I had been in counseling a long time but here they had some of the best counselors in the country which was really effective in my recovery. I am now 8 months sober and am the happiest I have ever been. Renaissance Ranch helped me set up a support group so once I got out of rehab I had strong, positive influences to help me in my new life. I now have a great job, am saving money, and am going back to school for my Biology degree. It is possible to start over. You are going to know a new happiness and a new freedom. You just need to be willing.

God Bless.

 by Anonymous
Addiction is a Family Disease

I want to share my story of addiction and how this disease not only destroyed my family, but also saved my family. Five years ago I found out that my son was using alcohol, and every drug you could image. How did this happen? We were a very close family that spent a lot of time together. He was a very talented baseball and football player. His dad and I thought for sure he would go to college on a scholarship for one of these sports.

In the early stages of his use, my husband and I ignored a lot of the signs. I suspected at the age of 16 that he was experimenting with alcohol. I told myself not a big deal, I did the same thing, and I turned out fine. I later found out that his use of alcohol and drugs began at age 12. I had not ever experienced firsthand the disease of addiction, and had no idea how bad this would turn.

My son’s drug and alcohol use became more and more frequent, which lead to lies, and stealing. He was rushed to the hospital several times from drug overdose. One of his hospital visits he flat lined, where we were not sure he would pull through. Luckily he did pull through. As most drug addict’s stories go, he also had many criminal charges. One of his worst charges was that he could possibly be facing one year in Prison. He was not sentenced to any time in prison, which we thought was a good thing at the time. Once you are in the criminal system, it is very costly and hard to get out. This type or behavior limits the addict’s opportunities for job choices for a very long time. My husband and I made the mistake of bailing our son out of jail, and paying for his fines over and over again. He never learned the consequence of his choices.

The information I shared in the above comments is leading up to how sick I found out that my husband and I were. I now know we were as sick as he was, and needed to work on our own recovery. I remember the first residential rehab my son went to, where he stayed for 30 days. When he got out I was so happy, and saw a change in my son. I told myself “that was easy, and now my son is cured.” He soon relapsed within 2 months. For the next 4 years he was in and out of residential treatment (6 in total.) He would get out and then soon relapse. I had lost all hope. I was angry at God, why would he do this to my family if he were really there. I stopped believing in God.

During his drug and alcohol addiction he lived with us. We let him live with us even knowing he was using. One day I looked at my son, and knew I needed to get him into a treatment quick, or I was sure he might overdose again, or possibly die. By the grace of God, I know he led me to Renaissance Ranch (RR.) Here is where, not only my son find sobriety, but so did my husband and I. RR has a program for the family members that my husband and I attended every week, working the 12 steps. I still attend this meeting today in hope to share my story with new family member. (This is step 12 in giving back.) In these family meetings they teach how important it is that the addict’s families work on their own recovery. I learned in these meetings, that there is a study that shows that if the addict’s family works on their own recovery; the addict has an 80% higher chance of being sober.

My son has been sober for 1 year now. This is a huge accomplishment for us. He is a completely different person from five years ago, and so are we. I truly believe that RR helped us all find recovery. At these meeting I found God again and now have an overwhelming feeling of strength and hope. I know today that if my son ever does relapse again, I will not support him in his addiction and only in his sobriety. Today my son also believes that because my husband and I worked on our recovery and no longer enable him, that it will help him to stay sober. I am so proud of him. Today he is attending collage perusing a degree in physiology, in hopes to give back to others who struggle with the disease of addiction.

My message to those of you struggling with a loved one, who has this disease is to learn everything you can about addiction. And remember, you didn’t cause it, you can’t control it, you can’t cure it, but you may have contributed to it. Work on your own recovery to help your loved one. I want to extend my love and gratitude to the Dickson’s. Christy, Rick and Tyson, thank you for all your love, support, understanding, and teaching us the meaning of the 12 steps that truly lead us to being a happy, healthy family once again.

 by Anonymous
Where Do I Start?

To think that I would ever have a family member, let alone a wife that needed drug rehab, recovery, 12 steps, detox or any of these things and I would have thought you were crazy and there was no way that would ever happen to me. People that suffered from addiction were not like me or my family, those were dysfunctional homes or families where something or someone was broken.

You see I was/am the typical “perfect family.” I had graduated from college, BYU to be exact, had found a successful career and was always active in my ward(s) and my wife had everything going for her. What more could either of us or anyone for that matter want? Our marriage like I assume most, had its struggles and ups and downs, but all was good, like I shared, we were doing everything right so it seemed and we had no reason not be happy.

I cannot put my finger on the exact time or cause, but over time something changed and before I knew it, I was not happy any longer. Now for those that knew/know me this may seem crazy or not possible, because what we did great was live in a way that from the outside looking in, we were doing awesome. Not only were we doing awesome but if you were to see us out, or on social media or on Sunday, well hey we were the picture perfect young couple who had it all. The truth is though, it was not always like this, something had changed and what we had were nightly arguments, full blown yelling matches, days without real communication, lots of bitterness, and for me I believe I fell into a state of depression. I was never diagnosed with it and I hid it so well from everyone, even my kids, but I was sad all the time, felt like I was trapped in my marriage and to be honest the point where I feel it must have been the lowest, I felt like if something bad happened to my wife, that just then maybe I would have a way out.

Why do I share this with you? I am not proud of it, and I do not wish it on anyone, but I have come to find through my own personal recovery and that journey includes supporting my recovering wife with her recovery from addiction, that many like I was, may be lost and suffering alone with no clue what to do next or why they are feeling the way they do or what they did to deserve it!

The unique thing about me, and our situation is that I did not have a clue that addiction was in my family or to blame for the chaos we felt. It is a bit crazy, but when I came to know for sure my wife was addicted to pain pills, I was relieved. I now had something to blame my misery on and I no longer had to blame it on a bad wife. You see, I figured it must be my wife who was to blame. Why did she always find fault with me, why was everything an argument, why was she so mad, why so sad, why always sick? All of these why’s prior to the reality of addiction allowed me to blame her and be more angry with her which in turn made us both more “sick” in our own way and less willing to be with each other. So you can see, finding out that drug addiction was in the picture, allowed me to direct that anger somewhere and trust me I was angry, very angry.

I do not mean to share all the negative feelings and “downer attitude” but I want those hearing my story to know that I know how you are feeling. What I cannot wait to share with you is my/our story of healing and recovery!

The day my wife finally admitted that she needed professional help and could not quit is a day I will never forget. It was the first time in what felt like forever that I saw real feelings and humility and it allowed us even in that time of lowliness to connect and feel a way we had not felt in a long time. She needed me again, not the money, the house, the worldly junk, but she needed me and I actually needed her. For the first time in a long time, I felt like something good was around the corner.

Don’t get me wrong, shortly after these short lived good feelings, I too went through some times of resentment and blame and all of the sudden felt justified for my negative feelings that I had held for so long, BUT all of this quickly began to change.

My wife went through an intensive outpatient treatment program and I joined in once a week at the treatment center to work on my own recovery. Working my recovery seemed so backwards at first. Why did I have to change or work on myself, I was not doing drugs? I mean, all the issues we had over the last few years had to have been caused by her usage right? No! I realized that though I did not cause her addiction I was a very big contributor to it. I realized that when I went days without paying attention to her to “teach her a lesson” that I was actually driving her addiction even more. All the comments about the “pill popping UT county moms” oh how that must have cut deep.

Finding Freedom from Addiction with Outpatient Treatment at Renaissance RanchWhat I started to realize is that though my wife had an addiction to drugs, I too had so many character weaknesses that if I could overcome them while she overcame her addiction and of course her weaknesses, that together we would grow to understand and love each other in a way that we never could have done prior to going through this.

I recall the first night when I dropped my wife off at the recovery center, before they took her to detox, Tyson told me I would be grateful for the addiction in my home and to be patient. Well I thought he had lost his mind and had no clue, but the truth is I am grateful. I am not grateful for the pain it caused us and especially my wife, but I am grateful that it brought us to a place of real humility and a need to really access the Atonement and to meet friends that I am eternally grateful for.

It was so amazing from almost very early on to see how much my wife dove into her recovery. It was as if though she was in college and she had studies, reports, assignments and the more she studied, the more she glowed and the more I wanted to be with her. She literally changed physically through a completely spiritual experience. I give most the credit to her. She suffered all the family and relationship turmoil that I did, but along with that she carried a secret with her that caused her to hate herself and though it was never admitted to me during the addiction (remember she hid this addiction for a long time) she blamed herself and her addiction for the family’s unhappiness.

My wife literally started glowing. She loved others and forgave others like I had never witnessed, and her patience with me and the kids was very Christ like in nature. She literally lost herself in recovery and the 12 step process and became a new person.

If I could share her story of change and recovery I would, but again as a family member I want you to know that recovery is real, and there are many just like you suffering and many like me that have but have come out on the other side of addiction with a new life and a new understanding of the atonement.
Please if you are struggling or if you are a family member struggling, reach out to the Dixons, they are amazing and you will be so glad you did. There is help for you the family member of someone struggling and though the goal is for your family member to find recovery from addiction like my wife did, the truth is that you deserve happiness regardless of what your family member is doing. This is possible.

I admire my wife who is an addict, but she is enjoying long term sobriety and so am I along with her. We are still actively working a 12 step program because we know even after initial recovery, that the winds will blow and things will happen that can easily drive us both back into our ways, and we can quickly find safety and peace through working our program or recovery, which for us involves the Savior Jesus Christ and his atonement but we understand it better from working the 12 step principles.

Recovery is real. It works if you work it.

-A grateful family member or an addict in recovery. My wife is an amazing woman and I know that more now than ever.

 by Jordan B.
I Entered into the Intensive Outpatient Program...

Upon Entering I was emotionally damaged and at a state of complete hopelessness. I have been struggling with my addiction and disease of alcoholism for 12 years. In those years I, like most addicts, had formed a toxic cycle of insanity, leaving me at rock bottom time and time again.

When I walked into the Rehab Facility for the first time I immediately felt warmth and comfort. There was an essence of peace and serenity. I knew it was the right place for me to find the help that I desperately needed. I was impressed with how the program was set up, being and Outpatient Rehab. There just the right amount of time spent at group, leaving me with enough time to maintain a part-time job and still face the challenges of addiction in our everyday life. For the most part I met with the same people also struggling with addiction. We all became very close and were able to learn, heal, and progress together, learning something new and dealing with different emotions every time. Each day of the week would have a different facilitator, Professional Therapists with years of experience in substance abuse counseling. Also having a one on one meeting with a therapist each week. It was helpful in my recovery to have that variety.

The basis of the program is the 12 Steps, taught to us at our own pace and in detail. Most importantly the program was full of Love and produced Hope. I am and will be forever grateful for the people I have met here, my healing and recovery that took place here, and the knowledge and wisdom that I gained here. Having all the tools that I learned has helped me through each passing day. I have remained clean and sober to this day and have a loving and powerful relationship with my Higher Power. Hope is very real and it is available if you seek it.”

 by Taylor O.
You Are Never Too Lost For Angels to Find You

Although we might think we are. My addiction to drugs and alcohol left me alone in a dark world with no hope and I did not see a way out. Right when I was about to give up, I found Renaissance Ranch Outpatient in Sandy, Utah. “Before I found Renaissance Ranch Outpatient Treatment, I was a man who was completely lost and left without hope. I felt as if I was drowning and wasn’t sure if I even wanted to be saved or if I was even worth it. Within 10 minutes of my first day in the program, I knew and felt with my whole heart that I was exactly where I needed to be. Renaissance Ranch had given me something I haven’t had in many, many years. It has given me hope. I now wake up every day excited and can’t wait to see what life has in store for me. Renaissance Ranch literally saved my life and has given me the opportunity and tools to become the man I have always dreamed of becoming.”

 by Lindsay
Their Program is Divinely Inspired with Gospel Truth

It is like AA, church and therapy on steroids! The staff at Renaissance Ranch Outpatient offered me love, understanding and support. I am a repeat offender to treatment and rehab and my personal opinion is Renaissance Ranch Outpatient offers the whole package. They incorporate proven modalities of treatment with love and support for the whole family. Recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol is possible and I am alive to tell about it.

I am eternally grateful to them for helping me reignite my passion for life and my testimony and love of the Savior. I have my life and my family back.”

 by Mae B.
My Husband Died From an Accidental Drug Overdose, Leaving Me with Small Children to Raise Alone

When our oldest began his own drug addiction, I was terrified I would lose him the same way. One of the hardest things I have ever done was making the choice to call the police to have him arrested for using drugs in our home. But this was the wake-up call we both needed to get his drug addiction under control. He immediately decided it was time for him to get his life back after 5 years of using substances to numb his pain. I was filled with anxiety, and sick with worry about how we would accomplish this task before us. With the help of our dear Bishop, we found Renaissance Ranch. From the moment I made the first call, I knew this was an answer to prayers. I spoke with Tyson Dixon for a while, explaining our situation and expressing my love and deep concern for my son. He was so empathetic to our situation and knew how much I was aching inside for my son. As we spoke, I could feel the heaviness in my heart being lightened and my sick feelings about the situation beginning to dissipate. He had the answers I needed, to know in my heart that things would work out.

I am so grateful that Renaissance Ranch has given our family a new hope for the future. Besides the program they have for the person suffering from addiction, they have a wonderful family support group and meetings for me to attend so that I can learn what I need to learn to get MY life back too. We are learning that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, with the help of the 12 step program, any addiction and character weakness can be overcome.

 by Bishop W.
I Am Pleased to Have the Opportunity to Write About the Good Experience We Have Enjoyed with Renaissance Ranch

we received hope from our conversation with Tyson there. The program he described seemed to make sense as the best way to give our loved one a gradually increasing share of the responsibility for improvement. As we needed to transition this individual from detox to a sober living environment we were quite surprised when Tyson volunteered to pick up and transport this person first to a physician for the prescriptions needed for a taper and then to the facility where he would live with others fighting the same fight. The peer monitoring and shared program learning and opportunities for family visits gave our loved one a tolerable challenge through the healing process and support to help fight off negative feelings that could undermine the progress to date.

I think we expected the staff to care about our struggling friend, but we did not anticipate that they would come to know this person individually and truly care about the gains and losses experienced and offer support and information to us to relieve some of the stress we encountered.”

 by Ryan D.
I Owe My Life to this Amazing Program and to the Staff at Renaissance Ranch Outpatient in Sandy, Utah

It is a miracle that I am still alive today, and even more so that I am sober! My addiction to drugs and alcohol took me to deaths doorstep, completely hopeless, alone and empty inside. I didn’t care whether I lived or died. I can’t begin to express how hopeless, empty and alone I felt. I truly was a broken man. Due to extenuating circumstances, I started at Renaissance Ranch Outpatient and that is where my miraculous transformation began. I had an amazing spiritual awakening that has stuck with me throughout my journey in sobriety. My awakening was a direct result of this substance abuse treatment program’s extremely unique spiritual approach. They understand the significance of spirituality and that only a spiritual experience can enable and sustain long term recovery. The loving and passionate staff were able to not only convey this message to me but reignite the desire and yearning I had for spirituality.

Today, I stand tall and do not bow down before anyone or anything, I have purpose and my life has meaning. My life is no longer dictated by fear nor am I suffocated by self-hate, rather I live by faith and I am I my own best friend. I no longer live in or obsess about the past, I look forward to the future with an eye of faith and embrace the moment. I am not perfect and I accept that. I am grateful to Renaissance Ranch Outpatient for their extensive knowledge and experience, their exceptional passion for assisting people like myself overcome what seemed like the impossible and the unconditional love they extended me, the course of my life has been forever changed.”

 by Crystal P.
Maybe You Are Like Me and Looking for the Right Treatment Facility for your Loved One

In my case it was for my husband and we were signed up to go somewhere close by and I just didn’t have a great feeling about it. 6 years prior my husband had done an outpatient rehab at a local hospital and it was enough to get him sober but he didn’t learn anything or take anything from it. That is what we signed up for again, another hospital outpatient and while this place seemed to be a little more involved than the one years ago I still didn’t have a good feeling about it. I really wanted him to be in a place where you could talk about Christ and have him involved in recovery. I knew in my heart that is what my husband needed. I went home and prayed and prayed and got online and found contact info for the Renaissance Ranch. I immediately called and even though we had not yet met in person I felt this was the right place. Tyson knew exactly what I was saying through all my tears and he told me this is EXACTLY where he needs to be. I felt the weight lift from my shoulders. We went to meet with Tyson, and at this time my husband was still unsure if this is what he wanted (like most addicts) but he met Tyson, they talked and when we left the ranch he was filled with light and hope and he couldn’t wait to start. It was a miracle, a sure answer to my prayers. The Ranch is unlike other treatment facilities. I will just share about my side. The family support was amazing. I learned so much about the DISEASE that is addiction and everything I need to know and do (or not do) to help heal our family.

I learned about working my own program and the healing that will come when I focus on healing myself and letting the addict work their own steps and let all the worries go with god have complete faith in him. The Dixson’s are so dedicated to the program and you really can feel the love they have for the program and the people. They are warm, loving, positive and upbeat. I can’t think of better people to be over this sensitive and personal type of recovery. I wish I could go into detail about all the things I learned but I already tend to give too much detail and make a 2 min story into a 2 hour one, ha ha! So let me just say that our experience was so amazing I will forever be grateful for all the staff at the ranch that led both my husband and I to this new way of life.

My husband is now a facilitator for the LDS church addiction recovery program and we hope to be missionaries one day. He is trying hard to give back and has brought new people from our area to meetings with him. He wants true recovery like he has for each one of them. I on the other side love to copy all the paperwork and give the info I learned to the family so they can help the addict the right way and heal themselves as well. It really is a family disease and everyone needs to recover. We always tell new people we hear are struggling, ‘ohh you should go to the ranch it is the best!’ We just welcomed our 4th child to our family and I can tell you without a doubt we wouldn’t be here all together right now if it weren’t for the ranch and all the tools we learned together to keep us as one eternal family. Thank you Renaissance Ranch.”

 by E. K.
As a Family Member of Someone who Struggled with the Disease of Addiction

and all of the staff members that work so hard to make it a wonderfully spiritual place full of love, joy and recovery. My life had become completely unmanageable and chaotic as many will tell you that have had this horrible disease hit their homes. For me however, I did not know why. When my loved one was entrapped in the bonds of addiction, I was not even aware. I knew that behind closed doors, things were not good at home. Our connection with each other and our connection with our kids was unhealthy and I could not ever figure out why.

Once I came to know that addiction had taken over, I then felt even more hopeless. Even more so than hopelessness I felt a lot of anger and resentment toward my loved one for having put me through such heartache and pain. I wanted and did blame them for everything. In an effort to try anything I found the Ranch and we gave that a shot. I remember when Tyson told me that I would look back one day on this disease of addiction and be grateful that the Lord allowed it into my life. Well, that made me even more mad. How could an addict in recovery possibly know what I felt? Well, my first night at family night when the Dixon’s shared their feelings and experience and echoed this statement from their son, that I would somehow come to find peace and ultimately I would be grateful for the addiction that hit our home, I figured everyone must be crazy.

The very first night at family support, though I was not sure what was going to happen, I immediately felt connected to everyone and in some weird way felt that things would get better. WOW! Did they ever get better? I have come to look forward to family support night at the Ranch more so than pretty much anything else in that week. I absolutely love what I have learned regarding the 12 step process and how it allows each of us, both the addict and the family members to find the true healing power of the Savior’s atonement. I can now say both Tyson and his parents were right and I am grateful for addiction in my life. I do not wish anyone to have to go through the pain of addiction, but to feel the sweetness of forgiveness and understanding is so amazing that I am not sure how many people would ever come to know how sweet it is unless they felt how painful addiction could be.

I would recommend the Ranch to anyone that is in despair from the effects of addiction. You will feel love, understanding and hope like you cannot find anywhere else. I am forever grateful to Renaissance Ranch for everything I have learned there and for all the love and support given to me from all the staff members. Thank you for everything.


Loving wife of someone who is beating addiction and is in an amazing full-fledged recovery…

 by Christine A.
As a Mother There is Nothing Worse than Watching your Child Struggle

My husband and I tried our best to help him in any way we could. We quickly realized we were ill equipped to really address the issues he was dealing with. As he headed off for college, we hoped he would stop using and start fresh. Unfortunately, this was not the case. His drug and alcohol abuse worsened while he was away. We felt helpless. When Will came home for the summer, things came to a head and he finally admitted he was out of control. We knew we were not educated or prepared to give him the help he really needed. The staff at Renaissance Ranch played a key role in talking with Will and helping him understand that now was the perfect time to get the help he needed. They were firm but understanding of his situation. Will made the decision to enter into the inpatient program at RR. I felt an instant sense of relief. However, I also was terrified for him. When I dropped Will off at the Ranch, we were met with open arms. As I hugged him goodbye, I was overwhelmed with emotions. But, I knew that this was his best chance at recovery. The men there could do for him what I could not.

While Will was in the Ranch he received the best attention possible. He thrived in the brotherhood and camaraderie. His group and individual therapy sessions helped him understand his addiction and codependency. As we spoke on the phone with him, we could see subtle change over the course of his stay. He was seeing himself in a new light. He was seeing his entire family differently. The program helped him focus on healing his body, mind, and spirit. Our relationship with our son was far different than ever before. We had open and honest conversations for the first time in forever. It was refreshing and filled me with hope for a brighter future. Will spoke of changes we could make as a family to better deal with emotions. He admitted his responsibility in the situation and his new reliance on God to help heal him. My husband and I were given some invaluable reading about codependency and how it effects family dynamics. It was eye opening. We also found our way to some local AA and ARP meetings. These meetings helped us understand what was really going on and how we needed to be in recovery as well. Our relationship changed with Will but also changed with our other children living at home. Change was necessary for our success.

When Will was discharged from the Ranch and entered a sober living facility, we were anxious again. We weren’t sure if he was ready to be back in the “real world.” Once more, we were pleased with the aftercare treatment. Mandatory meetings everyday helped him remain focused while slowly trying to maintain a job and a small social life. The brotherhood has helped him stay on track and reminds him daily of what he has to do to be in recovery. We are grateful for these counselors, mentors, and peers that have helped bring about a complete change in our son. As he approaches his one year sober mark, we are absolutely thrilled with his progress. I know that we would not be here without the staff at RR. I would highly recommend anyone needing help to seriously look at their program. I cannot imagine where we would be today without it.

 by Dennis A.
As a Father of Several Young Children, I Wasn't Prepared to Deal with my Oldest Son's Drug and Alcohol Addictions

The reality that he was struggling with these problems at such a young age was overwhelming to me.

I love my son and was willing to do whatever it takes, but I was completely outside of my element. Fortunately, my sister knew the owner of Renaissance Ranch and we reached out to him. The staff at RR changed the course of my son’s life forever. They taught him skills & techniques that literally saved his life and will be a foundation for all of his future pursuits. Most importantly, they offered him unconditional love and acceptance through honest accountability which has helped him to heal and continue in his recovery. If you have a family member struggling with substance abuse, do whatever you can to get them into the Ranch. It will save their life!

 by Christine H.
Renaissance Ranch Has Been a Blessing to my Husband and I

We both have learned so much. My husband has battled with a sex addiction most of his life and we had both lost all hope of his ever changing, our marriage was in trouble and we needed help. The Ranch has given us hope and has given us knowledge that has helped us to see things that we had never understood about ourselves and the addiction. I love the Ranches family recovery program which is necessary to help your loved one recover from the addiction.

 by Anonymous
When My Sons Were Struggling with a Heroin Addiction Years Ago

My husband and I were invited to attend the family group at the Renaissance Ranch Residential center.

We asked Kris Groves, the residential family group counselor, “What is the best thing we can do to help our loved ones in recovery?” She replied “Work on your OWN recovery.”

We didn’t understand that statement then, but today we are deeply grateful for the principles and information we continue to learn in family group each week.
Our sons have been clean and sober for 8 and 10 years. Our entire family is more unified, with deeper love and connection that would have ever been possible without the tools we learned at the Renaissance Ranch family group program years ago.

My husband and I are so happy to still be learning and growing today due to the principles and practices we learn from recovery principles, particularly the 12 steps, each day.