Alumni Network
At Renaissance Ranch, we believe that recovery is something that you continue to embody in your life long after you leave our doors. Sobriety isn’t a one-time thing, it’s a way of life that continues to be apart of us. Renaissance Ranch certainly isn’t the only recovery center that has this mentality, but we try our hardest to embody this ideal by way of the existence of our alumni network and programs that we put in place for graduates from our program.

Band of Brothers
The Band of Brothers is an extension of the genuine connections, and bonds made together while in treatment. Long-term recovery is possible and we thrive when men support, uplift, love, and stay connected beyond treatment. The brotherhood is REAL. And, the renaissance experience continues throughout life because of it.
Group therapy sessions
One key element of our alumni program is the benefit of group therapy sessions that happen every week. Members of our tight alumni network will come to the Ranch to talk with current residents at the house about their stories. This helps people who are struggling in recovery find people who they can relate to; who have been through what they are going through. This also lays the foundation for future members of our alumni network, as it sustains a cycle of past patients helping present patients.
Alumni events
Outside of group therapy sessions, there are loads of ways that we keep in touch with our alumni network, in order to keep up with the fulfilling lives they are living. We frequently sponsor alumni events, such as a friendly game of golf, or a serene hike through the mountains. These activities further serve to build brotherhood amongst alumni. We also host an annual conference for our alumni, which is filled with seminars and amazing stories of recovery.
Renaissance Ranch is a family for life
At Renaissance Ranch, we believe that you are a part of our family from the moment you walk in the door, and continue to be so long after you walk out. We are committed to building a brotherhood that is united in sobriety. Our alumni network is what allows us to accomplish this. We strive to keep an active social media presence to promote this. This also allows a forum that can offer help and guidance to those who struggle with substance abuse, whether it is looking for advice, or just someone to talk to.
Learn More
If you have any questions about the Alumni Network or the program at Renaissance Ranch, please don’t hesitate to give our caring and professional team a call, today!