Renaissance Ranch

Benefits of Faith-Based Over Non-Faith-Based Recovery Treatment

Oct 26, 2023

There are many commonalities between faith-based and traditional recovery programs. Both groups use the 12-step format, modeling, and mentors. Both encourage group interaction and active participation in group and private therapy sessions.

So, why choose a faith-based drug rehab? How will it improve your chances for success in the long term?

Benefits of Faith-Based Over Non-Faith-Based Recovery Treatment


The Approach Philosophy

Traditional programs focus on physical symptoms, triggers, and coping techniques, which are all critical things. It’s important to reflect on your triggers to know when you will be most vulnerable to temptation and have an exit strategy. Making those decisions ahead of time will allow you to act immediately rather than hemming and hawing over what to do until temptation grows too strong and you relapse.

Christian-based rehabilitation centers take substance abuse treatment a step further. We recognize that you are more than just a physical body with physical needs. Addiction damages you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well. Programs incorporating faith practices seek to heal those battling substance abuse in every area of their lives so positive changes can become permanent.

Christian Beliefs that Aid in Recovery

1. Every person in the world is a child of God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.

  1. Knowing who you are can have a lasting impact on how you approach your problems. You aren’t an accident or a mistake.
  2. You have immense value no matter what you or anyone else believes. You may have made mistakes, but that isn’t who you are; it’s what you’ve done. Take a crisp new twenty-dollar bill and crumple it, pour coffee on it, run it through the washer half a dozen times, etc. The bill may look worn out and used. However, if you take it to the bank, it’s still a twenty-dollar bill. Wear and tear didn’t change its value.

2. Jesus Christ paid the penalty for all people’s sins, sorrows, and mistakes.

If we accept his sacrifice, we can be wholly forgiven, and he has promised to send a comforting spirit to walk with us through our trials. This knowledge serves several purposes:

  1. Those who suffer from addiction are notoriously critical of themselves. Their harshest criticisms may be reinforced by family or friends whom their addictive behaviors have hurt. They also believe their actions are unavoidable because they will never be able to unburden themselves of guilt and pain. According to Christ, however, all men sin. Period. It wasn’t a question of whether we would sin but what we would do afterward. Would we seek to be better, or would we wallow in our worst conditions? Accepting Christ’s forgiveness and allowing him to change us into something new is a key aspect of lasting recovery.
  2. Christians believe that God is the only judge. (If you’ve met judgmental people before, remember that church is a hospital for the spiritually ill and injured. None of us are perfect.) No other opinion matters if God forgives you and calls you healed and clean.

3. There is a life beyond this mortal existence.

  1. If all we focus on is the present moment, our addictions grow in our minds. It’s all we can see. If we look at our current suffering on a timeline through eternity, then our seemingly intense struggle is temporary. We can get through today because we have hope for a better tomorrow.
  2. We learn to make choices not based on immediate consequences but with eternity in mind. Where do we want to end up? Who do we want to be when we get there? What places, relationships, and habits will support those goals?

4. God cares if we succeed.

  1. Because God cares for us as His children, He is involved in our lives. He will arrange for people and resources to enter your life to help you when you are committed to change.
  2. God will strengthen and heal you if you turn to Him. It won’t be an overnight process, but as we learn to align our will with God’s best plans for our future, we will see His guiding hand.

5. God commands that we love and serve our neighbors like the story of the good Samaritan.

  1. We work together to reach sobriety, whether driving someone home after work so they don’t have to walk past the bar or answering their call at 2 am to talk them through temptation.
  2. A passion project that serves your community can build your self-esteem, strengthen bonds with like-minded people, give you a focus beyond your problems, and fill your heart with the Spirit of God.

Christian-based Drug and alcohol treatment for fathers and other men is more effective when we treat the whole person rather than just the symptoms. Following a faith approach will create better lives and make them stronger, more Godly men who can change and serve their families and communities with honor.