Renaissance Ranch

Can Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Manifest Through Anger?

Jan 24, 2025

Those who struggle with major depressive disorder (MDD) have the usual symptoms of intense sadness and apathy. It is common to assume an individual with depression might bed rot with their head under the covers with the curtains closed. However, signs of depression that tend to get overlooked are anger and irritability. In addition, it is more evident in children and teenagers, but adults can show symptoms as well. Sometimes in severe cases, court-ordered anger management and therapy are required for those individuals suffering. 

MDD Expressed as Anger

Depression is not just sadness; it can be a whole bodily and mental experience. Some symptoms of depression to look out for include:

  • Lost interest in pleasurable activities 
  • Changes in appetite
  • Feelings of hopelessness

Studies have shown that 30-40% of people experience fits of rage disguised as depression called “anger attacks.” During anger attacks, which are similar to panic attacks, an individual has an uncontrollable outburst of distressing emotions. 

Individuals can cope with pain in two ways:

  • Internalizing: a subconscious attempt to escape negative feelings of depression, yet bottling them up. 
  • Externalizing: projecting the negative feelings of depression outwardly through blaming others and general hostility. 

When an individual with MDD experiences anger, it can be characterized as unrealistic and inappropriate in situations. According to the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, “Those with anger traits face exaggerated problems during symptomatic periods of depression.” That is why children and adolescents become irritable, but it can also be difficult to point out. How can one see signs of depression in an already moody teenager? 

Talk With Your Child

The number one step to discovering what might be affecting your child or teen is talking to them. If they do not have the words or are in no mood to talk, just lend your support. Additionally, if they feel more comfortable, you can arrange to have them talk with a trusted school counselor. You could even arrange to have a family therapy session where all members discuss how they are feeling together. 

Sometimes, being in these spaces can be more comfortable for your child. Seeing other members of the family become vulnerable can encourage them to become vulnerable and discuss what is bothering them. 

Depression can be overwhelming for adults as well, but it is a different experience for children and teenagers. They are not sure how to navigate through it, leading them to project their heavy emotions outward. 

Can MDD Lead to Anger Management?

Depression impairs emotion regulation, meaning an individual can become more reactive due to the inability to express their overwhelming emotions. The goal of anger management is to control your anger before it controls you. Those with anger issues have physiological arousal that anger causes, and the quicker you acknowledge it, the quicker you can control it. 

Anger is the most common result of externalized pain from depression, whereas depression is the common result of internalized anger. The inability to properly manage your emotions can lead to developing personality disorders and, in extreme cases, a life of crime. For some people, children or adults, it is easier to express anger than sadness because anger acts like a shield. 

Trying to Control What Cannot Be Controlled

To be angry is to be aggressive and feel powerful. For those who are irritable and angry, it gives them a sense of control while being depressed. However, it is only a reflection of how out of control in a situation they may feel. This dynamic can further perpetuate feelings of anger and depression, leading to poor coping behaviors, such as drug use and drinking. 

Detecting Symptoms of MDD Early on Is Crucial

When you are able to detect MDD symptoms early on, it can be easily treated through therapy and medication. The sooner you can detect it, the greater chance you will have to overcome the overwhelming culmination of emotions that is depression. The steps you or a loved one can take when someone who has depression but is irritable or angry include: 

  • Finding appropriate ways to express emotions
  • Take steps to increase physical resilience
  • Restrain from being angry with them
  • Do not take it personally when they are reactive 
  • Mirror their feelings 
  • Offer support 

How The Ranch Can Help

At Renaissance Ranch, we have three core principles that are a key part of our rehab program:

  • Provide a foundation of love and hope in those suffering from addiction through gospel-centered solutions. 
  • Support each person in the discovery of their mind, emotion, body, and spirit through an atmosphere of acceptance and respect.
  • Assist each individual in the development and realization of their fullest potential.

Our supportive team at Renaissance Ranch offers faith-based and cognitive-behavioral treatment to help you overcome those overwhelming emotions. There are also educational classes that assist with managing emotions.

Depression can be as small as a firefly in the palm of a bear. However, some days it can become a bear. Thus, if depression is the bear, there is a chance its attack is conveyed as anger attacks. Anger is the signal that something has to change and needs to be brought to justice, yet depression says it never will. It is not easy to cope with pain by internalizing and externalizing, which is why it is important to treat others with patience and kindness. Talking to someone about what you are going through is a step in the right direction. If you or a loved one is suffering from MDD or anger issues, please call (801) 308-8898