Renaissance Ranch

Creating Daily Intentions: How Having a Daily Goal Can Help You in Recovery

Apr 27, 2022

As adults, many of us function by writing to-do lists. We work our way down the list for the day, week, or month by crossing out tasks as they are completed. However, at times, too many tasks can become overwhelming, leading to burnout or procrastination. During treatment, focusing on one daily goal at a time can feel much more manageable and lead to more successful outcomes long term. 

If you are seeking treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction, you may know of the various lifestyle and habitual changes you will need to make in order to achieve recovery. Considering all of these at once can seem like a huge undertaking. Taking treatment one day at a time and celebrating the small victories each day can help you build confidence and keep you motivated as you progress through treatment. 

Daily Intentions

A daily intention can be something as minor as taking a few minutes for self-care, or it could be a larger feat such as reaching out to mend a relationship strained by your addiction. Small or large, focusing on one intention or goal each day not only produces a greater likelihood of achievement but can also make more dreaded tasks feel more attainable. 

We all love the satisfaction of completing something, whether it be a difficult day of work or the dreaded laundry. Accomplishment feels good; think endorphins, confidence, and a sense of fulfillment. Getting to check off your daily task or intention as being complete generates these feelings. This sense of self-approval and pride can be very beneficial to tackling a greater, long-term goal such as sobriety.

How Do You Identify a Daily Intention?

Consider the big picture. What is your overall, long-term goal, and what do you need to do or change in order to reach that goal? This is where you will begin. Think about these changes and actions and break them down into smaller, easily manageable pieces. These small tasks become your daily intentions. 

You may decide to have a full week with an intention that is the same. For example, maybe you need to improve your spiritual health, and for seven days, have a goal to spend half an hour reading a devotional and practicing quiet time with God or a Higher Power. Perhaps you want to improve your physical health. You may decide to have a daily intention to eat two healthy meals a day or spend time moving your body daily. 

New or different daily intentions can also be beneficial and add a slight variation to your routine. Trying a new skill or hobby could be a great daily intention. Squeezing in a bit of time for enjoying your favorite music or making time for creating are also great examples. 

Tracking Your Progress

Almost as important as identifying and working to achieve daily intentions is tracking your success. Journaling is an excellent way of tracking this and can be a valuable reference when you feel unmotivated or need a reminder of how far you have come. Looking back on what has been successful or unsuccessful for you in the past can help you plan for your future goals. 

Journaling can also help you remain honest with yourself as it encourages self-reflection. Having an off day will happen; it happens to everyone. Reflecting on why you did not address or achieve your daily intention that day helps you prepare for success the next day. Identify what went wrong and draft your plans for improvement. Journaling and tracking your progress will keep you accountable and focused on what matters. 

Making Your Intention a Priority

It can be easy to push your goals aside. Life’s distractions have a way of getting us off track and creating patterns of self-neglect. Prioritizing tasks and focusing on your daily intentions is critical to achieving your goals. Prioritizing your recovery starts with prioritizing yourself. Whether you are currently battling addiction, receiving treatment, or are already in a phase of recovery, taking daily steps toward long-term sobriety remains the most important thing. 

One Day at a Time

The road to recovery can be lengthy, often compassing hurdles and maybe even a few wrong turns. By creating small, daily goals for yourself, navigating your journey can feel much more feasible. Change does not occur without first identifying what you want to change and the steps for making it happen. By focusing on each day individually and working to accomplish your goal for that day, you will begin to see progress toward the change you want. 

Consider building time into your day to address your intention and acknowledge your efforts.  By doing this, you prioritize your goals and develop habits to promote success. If you fall short one day, don’t fret. Tomorrow is a new day presenting a new opportunity to prioritize and accomplish your goal. 

Taking things one day at a time by creating daily intentions can be beneficial to your recovery. Breaking down goals or steps toward change into small, manageable pieces can be less overwhelming. By journaling or tracking your daily progress, you will build confidence and increase motivation for moving forward and continuing your journey to recovery. Each day is a new opportunity for progress and success. At Renaissance Ranch, we will provide you with the daily support and encouragement you need to reach your daily goals and work toward your end goal of recovery. With each new day, you are one step closer to the life you want and deserve. Let us help you create a plan that meets your needs and is catered to you and your specific situation. If you or someone you care about is battling addiction, call us at Renaissance Ranch today at (801) 308-8898. Healing begins with Renaissance Ranch.