Renaissance Ranch

Current Alcohol and Drug Use Trends in the United States

Oct 9, 2024

Alcohol and drug use trends change rapidly from year to year, including the prevalence of substance use as well as attitudes surrounding addiction and recovery. Staying up to date on current trends is an important harm-reduction strategy, as it helps raise awareness of the risk factors contributing to such trends and also helps individuals who are struggling feel less isolated in their battle with alcohol and drug use. Meanwhile, for those who are struggling, it is essential to recognize that you are not alone; treatment is available and recovery is possible. 

At Renaissance Ranch, we understand that hundreds of thousands of individuals are struggling with alcohol and drug use in the shadows. While the journey of treatment and recovery can enable lasting healing, there can be many personal and societal barriers that prevent individuals from engaging with essential treatment services. Still, knowledge is power. By learning more about current alcohol and drug use trends in the United States, individuals can feel empowered to engage in treatment and secure lasting sobriety from addiction. 

Alcohol and Drug Use Trends: Substance Misuse

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), conducts annual reports regarding drug use and health to better understand unmet needs across the United States. The most recent alcohol and drug use trends are reflected in the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) by SAMHSA. 

First, it is important to discuss current trends related to substance misuse. For instance, the 2023 NSDUH highlights that nearly 3.1% (or 8.9 million) of individuals in the United States misused opioid drugs in the past year. Compared to 2021 and 2022, opioid misuse trends have remained relatively the same. Additionally, reports show that “[m]arijuana was the most commonly used illicit drug, with 21.8% of people aged 12 or older (or 61.8 million people) using it in the past year.” 

More shocking statistics surround the misuse and abuse of alcohol. As highlighted by the HHS, “Among the 134.7 million people aged 12 or older who currently used alcohol in 2023, 61.4 million people (or 45.6%) had engaged in binge drinking in the past month.” Further, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention define binge drinking as consuming four or more drinks for women, or five or more drinks for men, during a single occasion. 

Lastly, vaping trends continue to climb year after year. In 2023, 9.4% of individuals age 12 and older vaped nicotine in the previous month; rising 8.3% in 2022. Additionally, as explained by the HHS, “In the past year, more people initiated vaping (5.9 million people) compared to any other substance.”

All forms of substance misuse – whether it be the misuse of opioids, marijuana, alcohol, nicotine, or some other drug – can have devastating health outcomes for individuals and families. These current trends of alcohol and drug use are either remaining the same or rising, which will inevitably produce ripple effects for individuals and their larger communities. 

Alcohol and Drug Use Trends: Treatment and Recovery

Although the trends of alcohol and drug use are not yet in decline, there have been improvements in mental health and substance use treatment engagement among those who are struggling. For instance, the HHS pinpoints that almost 60 million adults aged 18 and older engaged in mental health treatment during the previous year, reflecting an increase of about 3.4 million individuals from 2022. Additionally, of those classified as needing professional treatment for substance abuse, nearly 1 in 4 individuals engaged in treatment during the previous year. 

Many different barriers may stand in the way of an individual’s decision to finally pursue addiction treatment. The most common barriers include the denial of the existence of a substance use problem along with a fear of judgment and the stigma of needing help. Fortunately, learning about these trends can help individuals who are on the fence about participating in treatment understand that they are not alone. By coming together and leaning on peer support in treatment, individuals can find the motivation and willingness needed to commit to lasting behavior change and sustain sobriety. 

Treatment at Renaissance Ranch

At Renaissance Ranch, we offer a full continuum of care for mental health and substance abuse treatment for adult men. Our gender-specific treatment approach ensures that clients are as comfortable and supported as possible as they navigate early treatment and sobriety. Meanwhile, the connections formed in treatment help carve a backbone for continued recovery. 

No one should ever feel like they have to battle alcohol and drug use alone. At Renaissance Ranch, we connect individuals with the professional support and resources that they need to make lasting sobriety a reality. Fight current alcohol and drug use trends by putting yourself first and participating in treatment at our facility.

Every year, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration releases an annual survey that highlights current drug use trends in the United States. The most recent Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) shows that in 2023, many opioid and marijuana misuse trends have remained the same; however, trends related to binge drinking and vaping remain on the rise. Unfortunately, unaddressed substance abuse can produce a host of health complications for individuals and families, which is why professional treatment is necessary to address alcohol and drug use. We at Renaissance Ranch are committed to helping individuals recognize the risk factors for addiction as well as the steps that must be taken to secure lasting sobriety. Call (801) 308-8898 today.