Renaissance Ranch

Percocet Addiction

What is Percocet

Percocet is one of the most abuse prescription opioids in America. The only prescription opioid drug that is more commonly abused is OxyContin. Percocet is a substance that has great utility for many medical purposes, as it is an excellent drug to deal with pain management, although not chronically. Percocet is, specifically, a substance that is highly abused in the United States, as over 80% of Percocet is consumed in this country.


Long and Short-Term Dangers

Percocet, as an opioid, is a drug that can have major implications of short-term and long-term abuse. While there are many dangers that occur when you are abusing Percocet, in the moment, and taking a dosage that is too high, the greatest dangers that Percocet presents are what happens when you develop a chronic addiction. Because Percocet is an opioid, it can severely alter your brain chemistry in a way that makes it highly addictive. It is common for Percocet addicts to turn to stronger drugs, such as heroin, after a period of Percocet abuse.

Recognizing Percocet Abuse

It is important to recognize if a loved one is suffering from Percocet addiction, or if you are developing a dependence to the drug. This can be difficult, as the lines often get blurred between the effects of the pain you are treating and the effects of substance abuse. However, here are some key signs to recognizing Percocet abuse:

  • Psychosocial symptoms, such as aggression, agitation, anger, and mood swings
  • Memory loss
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Impaired judgement
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Impaired speech
  • Depression
  • Low blood pressure
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Constipation
  • Exhaustion and fatigue
  • Coordination issues
  • Vomiting
  • Social issues, such as homelessness, financial problems, family dysfunction, and ruined relationships
  • Percocet overdoses (involving breathing problems and blacking out)

Effects of Percocet Withdrawals

Because of the presence of oxycodone in Percocet, continuous abuse of this painkiller can lead to a person’s mind and body developing dependence to the drug. The more often you or a loved one uses Percocet, the more difficult it is for your body to function like it should, or for your brain to produce dopamine, which is a chemical that induces happiness. Because of this, weaning somebody off of Percocet can be challenging, as it leads to withdrawals. Here are some of the symptoms of Percocet withdrawals:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Sleeping troubles
  • Shifts in body temperature (hot and cold flashes)
  • Physical tremors
  • Intense agitation and anger
  • Watery eyes and nose
  • Dysphoria

Physical Effects of Percocet Abuse

Percocet can have an incredibly negative impact on several vital organs. For example, Percocet abuse can cause tremendous damage to your respiratory system, causing your heart to need to work harder to pump blood through your veins. This can cause an irregular heartbeat, and increases the risks of heart attack. Kidney failure is also a possibility for those who regularly abuse Percocet.

Mental Effects of Percocet Abuse

What makes Percocet so addictive, if it is abused, is the fact that it causes your brain to produce the chemical dopamine, which mitigates pain and creates pleasure. The problem, similarly to heroin, is that your brain becomes dependent on Percocet to create pleasure, so depression begins to occur when you go a period of time without using Percocet.


Call for Help, Today!

If you or someone you know struggles with Percocet abuse, don’t hesitate to call the team at Renaissance Ranch. We help people across the western United States take back their lives and face addiction, head on.