Renaissance Ranch

Do I Deserve to Heal After Years of Addiction?

Jun 25, 2023

Life after treatment can come with a strong rift of overwhelming emotions. An individual transitioning from accomplishing treatment to fleeing the nest into early recovery may feel like a rug has been abruptly pulled right beneath their feet. In early recovery, an individual may have to make several sacrifices. When leaving treatment, some men do not feel they deserve a second chance. Therefore, when a man is ready to recover, they may not feel as though they deserve to heal after the mistakes that have been made.

Continuing care with Renaissance Ranch after treatment can help men gain an increased sense of self-worth and confidence. This is crucial for long-term sobriety and a better quality of life overall. Both mental and physical health is the truest wealth!

Life After Treatment

Transitioning from treatment to early recovery can be a very vulnerable time for some men. In treatment, an individual may be used to ongoing support. Life after treatment can be a bit nerve-racking. Starting fresh in early recovery independently can spring feelings of hesitancy.

One must learn to trust he will make the right decisions and not falter to certain triggers and cravings. A man must find his inner strength to stay diligent so that he does not break a promise to God, himself, and his loved ones. Early recovery requires one to start over completely to maintain a sober lifestyle. This includes mending relationships with loved ones, removing toxic friends, finding new employment, committing to self-care strategies learned in therapy, and more. 

Why Men Struggle to Feel They Deserve to Heal

Men who struggle with addiction end up separated from their families and friends due to poor behavior, lying, stealing, and other negative actions. Therefore, when a man is ready to recover, they may not feel as though they deserve to after presenting troublesome behaviors. It is important to spend time working on current goals rather than mourning over the past while sitting with an hourglass. 

As stated in the American Journal of Men’s Health, men must hold onto a masculine status. Masculine norms may consist of presenting a tough look and tone and going to the extremes of anti-femininity. They are grounded by norms from their specific culture where society expects men to present certain behaviors and relationships with others. These norms could bring harm to an individual’s mental health, leading to substance abuse, relapse, and co-occurring mental illness. Masculine norms can pressure some men to feel inadequate in some areas. 

For example, an individual may feel it is a sign of weakness to seek continuing care in therapy and additional support from individual recovery coaches while in early recovery. They may even experience difficulty apologizing to their loved ones for certain behaviors or expressing empathy. Everyone deserves to heal, and it is perfectly okay for both men and women to accept support in time of need no matter what the situation.

Sober Activities to Help One Feel They Deserve to Heal

Making sacrifices can be extremely beneficial but does come with a few cons. One of them could be boredom. Deep into recovery, some men get bored. They accomplished treatment and already established major life changes. Now what? When removing toxic friends, it is important to make new healthy connections. Out with the old, and in with the new! 

A good way to network is by attending fun sober events or participating in entertaining sober activities. Spending time with like-minded individuals who have similar goals can be highly beneficial too. Choosing to live a sober lifestyle can help one mentally grow. This can help one put their focus elsewhere and serve as a positive distraction. Sober activities can overall bring new opportunities for a positive future. A few may include: 

  • Signing up for volunteer work
  • Attending art festivals
  • Picking up a new hobby
  • Going back to school
  • Outdoor adventures
  • Playing a sport
  • Working out

Continuing Therapy While in Recovery

When an individual faces mental challenges in early recovery, continuing therapy can be an effective choice. This could include group therapy, AA, or 12-step meetings. A therapist can teach one the right strategies to overcome negative thoughts.

As stated by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a great treatment option as well. CBT is a form of individual therapy that can help an individual change their way of thinking to learn to gain the confidence needed to ultimately forgive oneself. This type of therapy has been clinically proven to improve the lives of those who have a difficult time moving past behavioral issues such as having a history of substance abuse, criminal activity, aggression, and delinquency. 

Therapists at Renaissance Ranch provide their clients with the tools needed to solve their internal problems. Participating in ongoing therapy can help one better focus on the present (recovery) and feel they deserve to heal for long-term sobriety. 

Early recovery can be a very vulnerable time for some men. Some individuals feel they do not deserve to heal. Gender norms can play a negative role in one’s mental health making one hesitant to move on from their past. Continuing care at Renaissance Ranch can help increase an individual’s self-esteem to move forward. Our facility understands that recovery coaches play a role in helping clients reach rehabilitation through guidance and attention. We provide a comprehensive addiction recovery program that uses a variety of therapeutic processes delivered through a faith-based approach to promote lasting recovery. If you or a loved one are in need of additional support, Renaissance Ranch is here to help. Call us at (801) 308-8898.