Dave Koval
It Increases Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
Abuse of methamphetamine, or meth, is linked to an increased risk of heart damage and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The drug uses several methods to deliver its harmful effects. Meth raises blood pressure, quickens heartbeats, and narrows blood vessels, which puts more strain on the heart and limits oxygen delivery to the heart muscle. Heart attacks, strokes, and arrhythmias can be brought on by these effects.
Atherosclerosis, a disorder marked by the accumulation of fatty plaques in arteries, can be brought on by long-term use. Meth also increases oxidative stress and inflammation, two other factors that advance CVD. Additionally, the medication alters the composition and functionality of cardiac cells, which increases the risk of cardiomyopathy and heart failure. To sum up, methamphetamine poses major health hazards to users due to its extensive and diverse effects on the cardiovascular system.
It Meddles With the Area of the Brain Responsible For Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
Persistent meth use leads to vasoconstriction (constriction of blood vessels) and arrhythmia (irregular heart rate) All this happens due to meth toxicity that meddles with the area of the brain responsible for regulating heart rate and blood pressure.
After meddling with the brain’s area responsible for cardiovascular functions, meth toxicity narrows the blood vessels, thereby leading to heart attack.
Meth toxicity in the blood upsets a part of the peripheral nervous system and deranges the normal heart rate, leading to tachycardia, a condition in which the heart rate becomes rapid.
Once cardiotoxicity settles in, there is a high risk of death of heart muscles. Heart muscle death is responsible for complete heart failure due to the gradual weakening of the muscles till the heart gives up.
Pierce Biglefthand
Hassan Sanders
Meth Leads to Rising Blood Pressure and Heart Rate and Narrows Blood Vessels
Methamphetamine abuse increases the chance of developing cardiac disease and damage to the heart muscle. Methamphetamine is a powerful stimulant that has devastating effects on the heart. It puts the cardiovascular system under extreme strain by rapidly raising blood pressure and heart rate and narrowing blood vessels.
Arrhythmias, hypertension, and vasoconstriction are only some of the cardiovascular issues that may be exacerbated by these short-term impacts. Atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, heart attacks, and heart failure are all possible outcomes of chronic methamphetamine abuse.
Atherosclerosis, the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries that can lead to heart disease and stroke, is exacerbated by long-term methamphetamine use. Damage to the heart and blood vessels can be compounded by the drug’s effect on the cardiovascular system, which can trigger inflammation and oxidative stress. The danger of cardiovascular difficulties and other health issues linked with this potent stimulant can be greatly reduced by getting medical help for methamphetamine addiction. Reducing the risk of permanent damage to the heart and blood vessels requires prompt medical attention and complete drug withdrawal.
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