Renaissance Ranch

Does My Loved One Have a Drug Problem?

Dec 10, 2020

It’s hard to watch the people we love to become captive to an addiction.  It’s especially hard because we know that the person is so much more than their addiction.  They still have the potential to do great things.  If you are worried that someone you love is struggling with a drug problem, there are many signs to watch for.  Most people experience changes in their behavior, as well as physical symptoms that are tell-tale signs that they are struggling.  Here is a brief guide that can help you determine if there is a problem.

Changes in Behavior

Probably the most noticeable symptom in behavior is mood change.  Most people that have an addiction to something become very irritable and often irrational.  They have increased aggression and seem to blow things out of proportion.  While someone is usually mild-mannered and calm, they may panic or lose their temper over something small because they are either a) impaired or b) trying to conceal their addiction.  They may also exhibit an attitude change and begin to lose interest in things that they previously enjoyed.  

Additionally, one suffering from addiction may start feeling more tired or depressed.  Someone using may also begin participating in criminal activity for the sake of either reaching a high or further enabling their addiction.  Loved ones and friends may also notice that the person using has shifted their priorities and has limited their focus to satisfying their addiction.  Overall, many people with drug problems struggle to focus and have mental clarity, because their brain is quite literally impaired.  Their ability to conceal the issue or remain discrete will eventually disappear. 

Physical Symptoms

While physical symptoms vary from user to user, many people notice changes in the eyes.  They’re often bloodshot and/or glazed over.  Many people exhibit pupil dilation or constriction of the pupils.  Also, weight changes can be a sign that someone is using drugs.  Usually, these changes are quite abrupt.  For instance, amphetamine addiction can cause a user to forgo eating to the point of emaciation.  

Sleep is also greatly affected by drug addiction. Stimulants, such as cocaine and amphetamines can cause heavy disruption in sleeping patterns.  Users may look frazzled and like they don’t take care of themselves: this is often from those that are struggling with severe addiction.  There is a physical impairment.  For instance, someone addicted to alcohol may be really shaky and struggle to sit still or do things that require fine motor skills.  Poor physical coordination is very common.  Moreover, as users take the drugs into their bodies, they may find that the pH balance of their bodies is off which can manifest as an odor.

Your Concern Can Make the Difference

There are a wide variety of symptoms and drugs impact people differently.  Chances are that if you have a suspicion and you begin noticing any of the symptoms above, especially coupled together, something may be wrong.  But don’t assume the worst.  Speak to them.  Be frank.  Be prepared, though, depending on how far into an addiction the person is, they may not be very receptive or reasonable about your inquiries.  In fact, denial should be expected if things have gotten out of hand.  Remember, the person you love and care about is in there, but they are not currently themselves.  They have a problem and need help.  Be prepared to encourage them and help them get treatment.

There are several rehab facilities in Utah.  Renaissance Ranch is among those and acts as a drug treatment center in Utah.  Renaissance is a faith-based Utah rehab center and has been helping patients that struggle with addiction for many years.  The ranch turns to medical intervention, as well as a 12-step program and works to offer support that sustains a patient, even after they leave the program.

If you’re in need of breaking free from your addiction or a loved one you know suffers from such, Renaissance Ranch is a great Utah rehab facility that will help your loved one detox and recover.  You don’t have to go this alone.  Asking for help is the first step.