Renaissance Ranch

Family Addiction Education Seminar

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Learn Whats’s Works From The People Who Have Worked!

Come and listen to experts that have been there. If you’re struggling with a loved one’s addiction, we can help you understand what works and what doesn’t.

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Our Presenters

Family Addiction Education Seminar

Kris Groves

Program Director and Cofounder of Renaissance Ranch Residential Treatment for Chemical dependency

Kris has worked in addiction treatment since 1996. She has served as a missionary in the Addiction Recovery Program with the LDS church and has served as a volunteer in the prison system with women as an educator on addiction and recovery. Kris works as a counselor to the men in the Ranch’s residential program and is the Family Group Education Counselor working with family members educating them about codependency, shame based family systems model and recovery specifically designed for family members. She has great joy and passion working with those who suffer in this disease of addiction and has gained great respect and gratitude for the process of recovery for herself and those she serves.

Family Addiction Education Seminar

Rick Dixon

Family Support Educator at Renaissance Ranch

Rick and his wife Christine, our Family Support Educators, understand firsthand the painful and complex challenges that come to marriages and families who are battling the disease of addiction. They have been heavily involved in educating family members for several years now of the critical importance of family members becoming knowledgeable and implementing the healing principles of addiction. They have served those struggling with addictive behaviors at the prison and local churches for 10 years plus through hundreds of 12 step meetings. They have witnessed many families heal over the years and know firsthand that long term sobriety for addicted loved ones hinges on parents and spouses understanding recovery principles. Rick is a multiple business owner who also oversees/mentors many addiction related treatment centers.

Family Addiction Education Seminar

Dr. Sellers

Dr. Terry L. Sellers received his medical degree from Saint Louis University School of Medicine and completed an OB/GYN residency at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan.

Dr. Sellers practiced Obstetrics and Gynecology in Provo, UT for 12 years, delivering over 6,000 babies. Years of migraine headaches sparked his addiction to pain medications. He spent many years suffering with a desire to stop using opiates and the inability to do so. He ultimately decided to get help by enrolling in substance abuse treatment and gave up his lifestyle of being a solo obstetrician. He now has 14 years of recovery from drug addiction and is rigorously active in the recovery community. Living a recovery lifestyle for the past decade and a half has created a new perspective on life and what is important to him and he is now able to work in the addiction field as a Board Certified Addiction Medicine Physician.

Family Addiction Education Seminar

Alema Harrington

ASUDC, Media Relations

Alema Harrington says that he is a broadcaster by profession and works in addiction recovery because it’s his passion. Alema graduated from BYU where he was a member of the 1984 National Championship team and as a broadcaster he has covered the biggest events in Utah Sports including the NBA finals with the Jazz, The final four with the Utes and the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. Harrington is active in the community and has worked as a volunteer at the youth corrections facilities in Utah teaching classes on addiction recovery. A recovering addict himself, he earned his Substance Use Disorder Counselor (SUDC) degree from UVU in 2013. He is currently writing a book about his journey in recovery. He hopes to inspire purpose for those who have crossed similar paths in life.


Reserve Your Seats For The Free Addiction Education Event