Renaissance Ranch

Family Education Groups

Our Free Weekly Family Group Education Classes Offer:

  1. Education on the 12 Steps of Recovery from a Family Member Perspective
  2. Family Member Mentors found in weekly family group classes
  3. Manual, “Healing through Christ”, offering a framework for family members to personally access proven recovery 12 step principles and practices
  4. Opportunity to learn to distinguish appropriate behavior from inappropriate behavior when relating with addicted loved ones
  5. In addition, we offer regular family processing groups and 2 day intensive family workshops with our master therapists for Renaissance Ranch client family members.
  6. Family members find profound hope, peace, and ultimately deep appreciation for the blessings stemming from the journey of recovering from an addicted family system.
Family Education Groups

Classes Can Be Attended Every Tuesday and Wednesday, Every Month.

Tuesday Class:
Renaissance IOP Orem Family Group
267 West Center Street
Orem, Ut 84057

Wednesday Classes:
Renaissance Ranch Sandy IOP
Family Group
9160 South 300 West, Suite 8
Sandy, Utah 84070

Renaissance IOP Farmington
Family Group
1466 N. Hwy89 Suite 230
Famington, Ut  84025

Open Group Classes: Renaissance Ranch Family Group Meetings
are for RR Client Family Members and friends, Ages 16 and older.

Any questions please call
Christine Dixon