No one likes to waste time. Most people seek the convenience of one-stop shopping or self-care. Why wouldn’t someone want the same accessibility to substance addiction recovery care? Instant, easy access to tips, fitness ideas, and a community shouldn’t be on different apps that will take up space and waste time.
One App for Your Recovery Care
Life after alcohol or drug addiction treatment is challenging. Throughout your day, you learn how to use the coping skills you learned while in therapy. In addition, the stress or anxiety caused by work, family, or friendships can take a toll on your mental and physical well-being.
There are a variety of recovery apps you can download to help you maintain your sobriety, but each of these apps addresses specific sections of recovery. For example, you could download several apps or download Rennaissance Ranch Treatment Center’s comprehensive recovery care app to have all-inclusive recovery care. Our app removes the guessing and complication associated with keeping track of your progress.
Benefits of One App
Before you search in your app store, think about what you want. Do you need an app to track your sobriety, kickstart your recovery, keep you connected to your treatment center, or set goals? Go to your app store and search for those or other recovery tools you need to maintain your sobriety. How many apps did you find that addressed all of your needs? Now, search for the Renaissance Ranch Treatment Centers app. Spend time exploring what our app offers you.
Our app includes everything you need, plus more. We give you the world of recovery at your fingertips. You can join interactive groups, set a budget, find a sponsor, or practice self-care. Because our philosophy includes keeping you connected with others who share your path, we decided to create an app that guides but increases access to crucial resources.
The benefits of our recovery app are endless. You can track your success as you work toward your goals. Celebrate your recovery milestones by earning badges. Whether you’re searching for a book or nominating a peer for their commitment to their recovery, you can find a sense of community.
Find Your Community
Who are your people? Once you complete a substance addiction treatment program, you may no longer know who your people are. Friends or family who were once with you can drift away. Sometimes they disappear because they don’t know what to say or do. Maybe they fall away because you’re not the same person. You will discover that your social circle becomes smaller or non-existent. A decrease in social connections can occur because your recovery doesn’t fit their lifestyle. For example, the people who drank or used drugs can feel guilt or shame because they’re continuing their harmful behaviors. Perhaps those people don’t find you fun anymore because you won’t engage in risky behaviors. The loss of social connections is difficult to process.
Building a healthy, supportive community is possible when you engage with fellow sober-minded people. Our interactive groups, meeting finder, and recovery family are always available at your fingertips. Use the tools that are available to you to boost your self-confidence and decrease the risk of relapse.
What Can an App Offer?
Renaissance Ranch Treatment Centers’ app is a lifestyle choice. You can remain committed to your mental and physical health by immersing yourself in all aspects of recovery. A comprehensive app keeps you in touch with your goals and your people. With one click, you can have easy access to these benefits:
- Meditation: Meditation is a coping skill you use to refocus, process, and find a healthy solution to issues. An app can guide you through meditation by coaching you to focus on your breath and think of specific goals. For example, a calming meditation can take you through the steps necessary to calm your mind and find what makes you relax. Guided meditations also keep you focused on your breathing. You won’t need to download a meditation app to help you find your center. Instead, click through and be ready to refocus within seconds.
- Personal Inventory: You can blog your thoughts, feelings, and events at the end of each day. Writing and expressing your feelings helps you understand your emotions and behaviors as successes or obstacles occur. In addition, you can use the instances to discover your strengths or weaknesses.
- Fitness Tracker: You’ve seen the memes that joke about eating a salad or hoping for a run and not seeing immediate results. Unfortunately, results aren’t immediate when you begin to include fitness into your routine. Instead, with the aid of a fitness tracker, you can see your gains as you progress. For instance, maybe you started with the ability to do fifteen minutes of exercise before you needed to stop. Each time you track your workout, you record your progress. As a result, every day, you’re growing stronger.
When you leave a substance addiction center, the work to maintain your sobriety isn’t over. Recovery is challenging, and you need the support of those who share your goal of sobriety. However, you don’t have to be alone. Renaissance Ranch Treatment Centers’ recovery app is a one-stop app for your recovery needs. We’re never more than a click away. Discover a community that expands beyond our treatment centers. Find those who are close to you and meet up with them. You can use the app to connect, track, and learn more about substance addiction and recovery. The encouragement you can find by engaging with others builds a sense of community. In addition, you can see your progress in real-time because you are able to track everything connected with your recovery. The badges and support are part of Renaissance Ranch Treatment Centers’ philosophy. Call us at (803) 308-8898 today.