Renaissance Ranch

How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

Jun 12, 2019

During the recovery process for addiction, you will spend some very valuable time in sessions with therapists who are there to help you along your way. Finding a therapist that works well with you and meets your needs is essential to the healing process. A good therapist will be one that doesn’t see you as a lifelong patient, but one who has a vision of your future as a healthy, independent person. They will want you to move forward, encourage your growth, and help you to set goals. A good therapist will also do more than just listen to your problems, they’ll give you feedback, make suggestions, and help you to find solutions so you can learn to be happy again.

No matter how good your therapist is, though, you’ll only get out of your sessions what you’re willing to put into them. Building trust is the foundation of a strong patient-therapist relationship. This takes a willing attitude and courageous action on the part of the addict. Your disposition about therapy and the amount of work you’re willing to put in will make all the difference.

Be Willing to Make Changes

Change is hard, but there’s no way to overcome your addiction and have everything in your life surrounding it stay the same. A big part of your addiction therapy is going to be about identifying problem areas in your life and making changes to fix them. Your therapist is going to be assessing your life patterns and recommending changes. Then it’s up to you to embrace these changes and do your best to follow their advice. Check your anger and resentment at the door and be open to some constructive criticism.

Do Your Homework

Your healing process shouldn’t be put on hold every time you walk out of your therapist’s office. A good therapist is going to be making suggestions for exercises and activities for you to engage in on your own time, and someone who is committed to recovery will follow up on these suggestions. All of the talking and sorting out of your life and feelings won’t do any good if the information you gather in therapy isn’t put to good use outside. Write in your journal, make new friends, find a hobby, and do whatever else it is that your therapist asks you to do. It will make you feel better in the end.

Get Talking

Your therapist wants to help you, and the best way for them to do this is if they can get to know you well. If you are reserved and afraid to share your true self, your therapist will never be able to know the best ways to get you healthy again. Sharing your memories, your opinions, and your struggles will allow your therapist to have insights that will lead to recommendations for developing a healthy mind and body.