Renaissance Ranch

How to Maintain Mental Health After Treatment

Nov 15, 2023

Surrendering to mental health treatment can be an overwhelming decision. The phases of treatment can be quite challenging for some individuals. This can be especially so for those who have a dual diagnosis. Although this may be true, support from friends, family, and professionals aids one every step of the way. Once treatment has been completed, maintaining one’s mental health can seem difficult as there is seemingly less structure and support. Not everyone is ready for this transition. Early recovery can be a vulnerable time for some individuals. Renaissance Ranch can help individuals learn to recognize the signs they may need additional help to maintain mental health. Many individuals may benefit from our aftercare services and alumni support while facing challenges after treatment.  

Life After Treatment

The transition into society can be testing for some individuals with mental health problems. Although an individual has achieved their biggest milestone and made it to recovery this does not mean that unwanted triggers will no longer be problematic. For example, for individuals with PTSD, some triggers may still come to the surface but may feel less intense. Life after treatment typically requires one to take the skills learned in therapy and apply them to everyday life to maintain mental health. Therefore, consistently using specific strategies can help one appropriately respond when in uncomfortable environments. 

Early recovery requires one to flourish in their independence and make the right decisions going ahead. Some individuals may have difficulty moving forward in recovery due to a major lack of confidence and low self-esteem. They may have difficulty adapting to society without continuing care. Although this is perfectly normal, learning to recognize the signs of mental instability is imperative to maintain mental health after treatment. 

Recognizing Signs to Maintain Mental Health

Before seeking additional support, one must understand the symptoms that lead them to their current state of mental health. If the signs are ignored an individual is at an increased risk of having a relapse. This is where symptoms felt before remission progressively reappear. For instance, one’s symptoms gradually worsen, leading one to experience suicidal thoughts, self-injurious behaviors, or an unfortunate suicide attempt. Taking time to reflect on past treatment can give one the direction needed to effectively recognize negative thought patterns and behaviors to maintain mental health. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), signs of mental health decline may include: 

  • Feeling very sad, worried, afraid, or low
  • Having extreme mood shifts
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Experiencing intense fatigue
  • Feeling more irritable than usual
  • Having trouble focusing 
  • Experiencing difficulty deciphering what is real and what is not
  • Fixating on drugs and alcohol to self-medicate 
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Experiencing changes in appetite 
  • Having difficulty sleeping

Finding Support to Maintain Mental Health After Treatment

When it becomes difficult for one to effectively cope in recovery, finding support is crucial to successfully maintain mental health. Although support from friends, family, and loved ones can be beneficial, seeking professional care can provide the proper guidance needed to get back on track while in recovery. 

When an individual accepts ongoing support from mental health specialists, they are given the resources needed to learn to recognize the signs that they are digressing. Many different areas of an individual’s life may be negatively impacted by a mental relapse. This includes a disrupted partnership, an uncomfortable home environment, a slip in academic progress, and more. When a loved one is not well this can also impair relationships with their close surroundings. Seeking further care can help individuals maintain healthy and stable relationships, strong work performance, and overall prevent an unwanted suicide attempt. Different types of support may include: 

  • Outpatient treatment
  • Community support
  • Support groups
  • Alumni events
  • Social media
  • Peer support
  • Holistic care
  • Helplines

How Can Aftercare Services Help One Maintain Mental Health?

Based on the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (IUMS), ongoing evidence has emphasized the significance of aftercare services for individuals to maintain mental health. Recent surveys related to a randomized controlled trial, have proved that readmission rates could be decreased by participating in aftercare programs. Engaging in continuing care within the first year of recovery can significantly improve individuals with severe mental health conditions. Based on the participant’s state of mental health, the severity of their depression was greatly decreased during their first year following discharge. Despite past GFA controversies, studies also found that those who joined aftercare services experienced an increased level of functioning within the first year of mental health recovery. 

Exploring Aftercare Services at Renaissance Ranch

When one may feel they are having difficulty transitioning into recovery, seeking aftercare services at Renaissance Ranch may provide the direction needed to maintain mental health. Our support for our participants does not stop when they achieve their goals in the program. We understand sobriety is an ongoing journey and it is not always a smooth ride after completing inpatient rehab. Therefore, support from peers is crucial to maintain mental progress every step of the way. The Band of Brothers Alumni Network can be a great place to learn the life skills needed to stay on course for true mental stability. 

At Renaissance Ranch, The Band of Brothers is our alumni network. The program helps establish a foundation and culture of sobriety that permeates every facet of the alumni’s life. We are made up of a tight-knit group, where we all hold one another accountable for what it takes to maintain mental health. Our facility does more than any other program we know of, in keeping our alumni connected. The Ranch understands this concept deeply and hosts weekly meetings, along with quarterly retreats and a wide range of annual events to get newer members of the program integrated with the Alumni community for ongoing support. We provide resources for our alumni even after completing treatment. Call us at (801) 308-8898.