Kindness is a selfless act that makes people feel good. Being nice to someone doesn’t need to be a big production. A gesture like holding the door open or smiling can brighten a day. Goodwill toward others also has its benefits. Kindness can improve your mental and physical health.
Kindness as a Lifestyle
Whether you know it or not, you made someone’s day today. Whether it was letting someone into traffic, pouring a cup of coffee, or giving a compliment, you did something kind. An expression of kindness is heard and felt by others. Being kind to another is not limited to doing what’s right or altruistic. The true meaning of kindness lies within you.
Some people blend their spiritual beliefs with the philosophy of being kind to others. The Bible teaches kindness and tells of acts of kindness. When you use the Bible as a foundation of goodness, you see how many random acts of kindness exist. You can take inspiration from the Bible, mentors, and those who motivate you to find your version of compassion.
Being a kind person is a part of your inner being. Everyone believes in the idea of right or wrong. Who defines what’s good or bad, though? As a child, the lessons you learned from your parents and other family members showed you how to be kind. You were also exposed to cultural and religious values as you grew up. Plus, the friends that surround you influence your beliefs and behaviors. Every aspect of your environment forms who you are to yourself and others. The heart of acting altruistically toward others lies in your core values.
Core values are what motivate you to spread kindness. As they shift, so does your definition of kindness.
Kindness in a Community
When you see someone being kind to someone else, it can make you happy. Perhaps you feel good inside and want to do something nice for someone. The sensation of feeling good and wanting to help others is a moral decision. You feel good about yourself and others when you do something good. The belief that you acted morally increases your good mood.
When people see you perform an act of kindness, they may want to do a nice thing for someone else. Your moral decision has spread to others, which positively impacts the community.
Happiness shapes gratitude. When you appreciate what you have, the relationships and connections in your outlook on life improve. You can acknowledge the kindness of others while performing acts of kindness. Meaning kindness and gratitude are connected by those who want to help others.
Health Benefits of Kindness
Being kind does have its benefits. You feel good when helping others, and that feeling affects your mental and physical health. One act of kindness can reduce aches, pains, or your blood pressure. You can elevate your mood and strengthen your cardiovascular system. Acts of kindness are a path to health.
Ask yourself how you feel when you’re kind to another person. If you answer happily, then you have felt the effects of goodwill. Happiness creates better relationships. Because you’re happy, you can see the positive things in life and incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine. These social and personal skills translate into better networking and more opportunities. Additionally, your happiness decreases feelings of depression and anxiety. Other health benefits of kindness include:
- The reduction of chronic stress: Cortisol, a stress hormone, can cause illnesses like cancer, stroke, or diabetes. When you decrease the cortisol level in your body, you can reduce the risk of severe diseases. One way to bring your stress levels down is to be kind to others.
- Kindness makes you feel loved: Every time you’re kind to someone, your brain releases oxytocin, your feel-good chemical. The elevation of happiness and the feeling of being loved lowers your stress and blood pressure and helps your digestion.
The reduction of cortisol and increase of oxytocin also eradicate ulcers and curtail pain, overeating, and depression. Goodwill to others can also increase the quality and length of your life.
How to Be Kind
Kindness is a daily routine you can accomplish. When you’re doing something you enjoy or feel good about, you don’t need to make grand gestures or overcommit yourself. Instead, think of realistic acts. Some examples of easy acts of kindness are:
- Volunteer at an organization you support
- Give blood
- Say “thank you”
- Donate clothes, food, or toys
- Listen to a friend or family member who needs to be heard, but hold off on giving advice
- Encourage or support a loved one as they work towards a goal
Ultimately, whatever you choose to do that can improve or help another is an act of kindness. Do what feels right to you and remain true to your core values.
Kindness is an act that benefits you and another person. The gesture or behavior that makes someone else’s life brighter or easier can also lower your mental and physical health risks. While it may not seem right to benefit from being kind, think of your act of goodwill as a small gesture to improve lives. Because you are kind to others, you improve your well-being, increasing your lifespan. An increased lifespan can mean you have more time to help others. Helping others is a core belief at Renaissance Ranch Treatment Centers. Our substance addiction treatment program uses faith-based practices to help you build a solid foundation for good. You can find support and comfort as you learn healthy, helpful coping skills. As you learn how to be kind to yourself, you can spread that kindness to others. To learn more, call (801) 308-8898 today.