Renaissance Ranch Treatment Center

Heal from Addiction, Today
Bringing Recovery to Utah
Renaissance Ranch is an addiction treatment center based in Utah. We use spiritual values and clinical methods to create an atmosphere of hope and integrity. The basis of what we do and how we help people is broken down on establishing three powerful principles:
- Personal integrity
- Group integrity
- Staff integrity
We provide physical, mental, and spiritual healing to our patients. It is our never ending battle to heal individuals from suffering and to enable healing that lets them grow as people, to be even stronger than they were before addiction struck.
Getting Help For a Loved One
If you have a loved one who struggles with the terrible disease that is addiction, then it is important to seek help as soon as you can. We do complete personal consultations that can help you get a clear picture about what steps are available for you and your loved one to get help. If a loved one doesn’t want help, then an intervention can help communicate the importance of seeking treatment. We help organize and mediate interventions for friends and family members, at no cost.
Sign Up For Our Classes
A major component of our treatment center is our comprehensive family program. The inclusion of family in recovery is a powerful tool that helps patients get a true foundation upon which to build recovery.