Online Family Education Groups (Complimentary)
Recovering Families: You Are in the Right Place
Learn what to do when you don’t know what to do. Check out any of the following public addiction education classes below:
Locations and Times Open classes 18 yrs. and older
Sandy IOP Family Members 9160 South 300 West, Suite 8 Sandy, Utah; 6-8:30 PM OPEN CLASS
Wednesdays: X
“The best advice I was given twelve years ago to help my addicted sons was for my husband and I to start attending 12 step addiction recovery meetings. This allowed us to become educated in the process of recovery and to network with other family members who had found success principles and serenity amid the storm of addiction… Also, attending Family Group classes (with a 12-step emphasis) while my sons were in treatment was vital for me to recognize ways I could effectively support my sons in their recovery and stop unknowingly contributing to the cycle of addiction.”
– Christine (Renaissance Ranch Family Group Program Director)
Our Family Group Classes Educate and Heal
Addiction is a family illness with symptoms of underlying causes and conditions. Individuals often report “relationship conflict” as the number one cause of relapse back into addiction, which almost always involves the parental or spousal relationship. Studies today underscore the importance of involving family members in the recovery process to encourage addicted loved ones to get help, adhere to treatment recommendations, and to increase the likelihood of long-term sobriety. Call for Residential Family Group Class times if your loved one is a resident.