Renaissance Ranch

The Advantages of a Men’s Program in Addiction Treatment

Jun 10, 2022

Men carry a stigma with them every day. Society expects them to be strong, hide emotions, and act specifically. Society expects certain behaviors and socialization from men. The problem with stereotypes is stigmatizing those who go against the grain. Stigmatization can also make men feel uncomfortable expressing their thoughts in front of women.

The Role of Men

Despite the increase in recognition for men who don’t watch sports, don’t go to the gym, or aren’t into cars, societal expectations continue to exist. As a result, there are expectations men are saddled with that harm their physical and mental well-being. 


Many men have surface friendships with their peers. Like everyone, each person at the game, barbecue, or get-together is trying to fit in. No one wants to be excluded, so they try to be “one of the guys.” Many do what they think is expected of them.

Unfortunately, the goal of being accepted can stop men from forming meaningful friendships. Without meaningful friendships, some men may lack a stable support system or strong bonds with others. In some cases, men avoid sharing thoughts or feelings with other men because they fear what others might think.


Emotional barriers can create an obstacle in a couple’s relationship. A man learns what is expected of him and what is considered unacceptable at a young age. Often the beliefs and traditions a family passes down include teaching you not to talk about your feelings. When you can’t share your feelings, you don’t know how to express your feelings with constructive conversation. Instead, you bottle up your emotions, fears, or anxiety, ultimately increasing the potential for miscommunication or damaged relationships. The role men assume while in society conflicts with open and honest expressions of emotion. Another complication with failing to express your feelings is the increased risk of using alcohol or drugs to cope with internalized or harmful feelings.


When you were trying to choose what you wanted to do for a living, what careers did your friends and family suggest? You may end up finding yourself in a job you don’t like because it fits your family or friends’ expectations rather than your own. Masculinity often determines potential career choices. However, the combination of masculinity and not enjoying your job can also cause stress, depression, or anxiety. Mental health issues can be a trigger for substance use.


Slowly disappearing is the notion that men must provide for the family. However, since women are also working, the issue of salary can affect how you feel about yourself. Talking with a therapist about your feelings and toxic masculinity can help you accept that you don’t need to make more than your partner.

Substance Addiction Treatment

Alcohol or drug addiction doesn’t discriminate. Regardless of your age, financial status, or gender, you or anyone else can have a substance use disorder (SUD). Deciding to begin a treatment program is a brave choice. Relying on someone else for guidance and support may feel uncomfortable. The commitment to your well-being means you’re going out of your comfort zone, reaching out to someone, and asking for help. 

Substance addiction treatment centers understand how much strength it takes to start working on the goal of becoming a better version of yourself. Therefore, you are encouraged to open up and share your thoughts and feelings from the moment you enter a program. While being honest about your emotions in individual treatment is essential, so is sharing in group sessions.

Group sessions can challenge some men. Talking about experiences, thoughts, or emotions with a group is intimidating for some. However, a mixed-gender group poses a different problem: talking honestly with the opposite gender in the room.

Gender-Specific Treatment

A men’s-only substance addiction treatment program can reduce the hesitancy to be honest about your story. As you become comfortable with the men in your group, you can talk about your triggers or what brought you to treatment. In addition, being a part of a group that understands your unique role in society creates a sense of belonging. The roles and stereotypes that can follow you in your life can disappear when you’re in a safe, judgment-free space.

There are topics men may not want to talk about if women are in the room. A male-only alcohol or drug treatment program allows you to touch on subjects that are highly personal or traumatic. Likewise, you may not want to talk about issues associated with women while in a mixed group, because sharing specific topics with women could, in your mind, emasculate you. Opening up to the men in your men-only group about physical, emotional, or sexual abuse decreases the pain.

Gender-specific substance addiction treatment centers recognize the differences between men and women. Men who receive treatment in a men’s program frequently form bonds with the men in their group. The support and acceptance of other men can have a lasting effect on recovery. 

Gender-specific substance addiction treatment programs consider the different needs of men and women. Men and women can feel uncomfortable talking about specific topics in front of the opposite gender. However, men are also trying to understand their role in society. Pervasive stereotypes and roles can suppress effective communication. Men participating in a men’s program are free of societal expectations. They can share their true self by telling their unedited stories. Open, honest communication is how the healing process begins. Rennaissance Ranch Treatment Centers’ faith-based, men-only program provides the privacy and support you require. We welcome you to engage in individual, group, and holistic therapy sessions. Your therapist can work with you to create a unique treatment plan. The types of therapies provided are scientifically proven to guide you to recovery. We welcome any questions you have about us or our services. Call (801) 308-8898 today.