Renaissance Ranch

The Dangers of Isolation in Recovery

Jul 14, 2023

Unnecessary negativity can grow within isolation. When we isolate ourselves, we are potentially closing ourselves off to incredible opportunities and the possibility of stronger or new connections—the dangers of isolation while in recovery outweigh any potential benefits. Renaissance Ranch believes isolation at any point in your recovery can be a dangerous route.

What Are the Dangers of Isolation?

We know that we all have options in life and can make our own choices according to what we value. We hope you value a life-long recovery and choose to stay involved in the community. This could help you avoid falling into the dangers of isolation. We understand that sometimes it can feel like isolation is something that just happens to us over time. You can take some power back from addiction or substance use disorder (SUD) by coming to the realization that your choices are ultimately what matter. 

No one has full control over everything in life, but we do all have control of our choices. Deciding to isolate during your recovery may not always feel like an active choice. Regardless, it is key to remain open-minded if someone points out to you that you have been isolating yourself. It’s important not to feel shameful if isolation is something you begin to go through. Noticing and being aware of it are the first steps. Next, you can take action to address the problem.

We believe the dangers of isolation can have a severe impact on your mental health and sobriety. Isolating will not be beneficial because it could become easier to return to old habits. This could mean eventually leading to a relapse too. Renaissance Ranch wants to support you through your entire journey best. This means we want to assist you in setting up a life you find worth living to ensure you stay in recovery. 

We know a life worth living is going to look different for everyone, but we also know the dangers of isolating yourself at any point in recovery is not going to be in your best interest. You’ve done a lot of hard work by completing your time in treatment. We know you can continue to do the work necessary for a successful recovery long term. 

Ways You Can Combat the Dangers of Isolation

As mentioned above, noticing and being aware of isolation is a great first step. Some ways in which you can remain connected to others is by continuing to attend groups for SUD or addiction. You could work in the community through volunteering. You could also participate in some kind of group activity that involves a hobby you enjoy. If you notice the desire to isolate, you may be unaware of the dangers of isolation at the moment. If that is the case, immediately seeking support is a brave next step to take. People who can help may include:

The dangers of isolation can be detrimental to recovery. Again, isolation could feel like it’s something that just happens to you. Try to remember it is a choice. We all are doing the best we can with what we have.

Taking Small Steps to Avoid the Dangers of Isolation

If you struggle with breaking the pattern of isolating, try approaching the issue with smaller steps. Taking small steps to break a cycle or habit could be less stressful than trying to jump into opposite actions immediately. If you are currently in a position where you are isolating yourself, there are several options for you. One way is to involve yourself in the community could seem daunting if it’s not something you’ve typically done. There are plenty of ways to engage with people less likely to provoke anxiety.

Reaching out to Renaissance Ranch for additional support is always a good option. Our treatment team is fully capable of assisting your needs throughout recovery. You could also reach out to other alumni for support. Staying in contact with like-minded recovery-driven people will be helpful to you and your sobriety.

For example, if you enjoy activities such as volleyball or soccer, you could make a team of friends and family. This is a great option if the idea of playing with strangers is scary. Meeting new people can be beneficial but also anxiety provoking. We surely don’t want to avoid all of the things that make us anxious forever. However, lessening the stress you feel when in a difficult position can be helpful. Over time you can build your confidence to try new things with new people. You don’t need to necessarily jump immediately into a lifestyle that doesn’t feel right for you. Doing so could shock your nervous system and lead to isolation as well.

Recovery is a life-long process. We know it can be overwhelming and some may find isolation as a way to cope. The dangers of isolation in recovery can be immensely detrimental to your sobriety. Choosing to reach out for help and support when you have the urge to isolate is a brave step. We want to be there to support you throughout your entire recovery. Staying involved in the community and engaging with life is important in recovery. We can help guide you in the right direction so that you are able to stay sober. Please call (801) 308-8898 for additional support and information regarding your recovery from SUD or addiction.