Renaissance Ranch

The Dos and Don’ts of Rehab Care Packages

Feb 24, 2015

When your loved one decides to go to rehab, you probably have some mixed emotions. You’re incredibly proud of them, but you also miss them very much. You want them to finish the program, but you can’t wait for them to come home. Sending a care package is a great way to show your love and support and to let your loved one know you’re thinking of them. If you’re not sure what to send, here are a few guidelines you can follow.

Don’t Break Any Rules

Inpatient rehab is a very structured program, and residents are expected to adhere to a strict set of rules. These rules might include what types of reading material they can have, what kinds of nutrition they should be getting, and other expectations that could affect your care package choices. Check with the facility before you send anything off to make sure you’re not inadvertently breaking any rules with the items in your package. The staff there might even be able to give you any special requests from your loved one of things they need or want.

Don’t Trigger Withdrawals

Avoiding triggers is a key part of recovery, especially in the early days. Your loved one will love receiving your care package, but excitement can quickly turn into anxiety if some of the items found there act as a trigger. Photos of family and friends are a great addition to your package, but avoid photos that depict scenes of intoxication or emotionally loaded situations. Alternatively, a care package sent to rehab is probably not the best time to help your loved one to expand their shot glass collection.

Do Show Your Support

Successful addiction recovery will take a well-rounded approach at health that includes mental, physical, and emotional progress. You can include items in your care package that support growth and healing in all areas. Self-help literature or journals make great rehab gifts. Snacks and treats from home are always a big hit too, and including something healthy will support the physical healing that your loved one is trying to achieve.

Do Send Comfort From Home

Items that remind residents of the family and friends at home supporting them are the most welcome and appreciated gifts of all. Compile letters from other friends and family members and send them in a bundle. Little mementos and comforts from home can really send feelings of love. A favorite bathrobe or pillow can help to close the gap between home and rehab. Just keep in mind that care packages are often searched by staff before they’re delivered to ensure resident safety, so anything that you’d like to keep private might make a better welcome home gift.

HR Brown is the founder and President of Renaissance Ranch and a Advanced Substance Use Disorder Counselor. He has worked in the substance abuse field for the last 12 years as well as an additional 15 years of finance and business management experience. Through his personal experience in recovery, HR has developed a passion for helping people understand and overcome the disease of addiction.
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