Renaissance Ranch

The Importance and Value of Prioritizing Your Recovery

May 10, 2021

The Importance and Value of Prioritizing Your Recovery

Obtaining a life of sobriety is something worth celebrating, no matter which phase of the journey you find yourself living. However, when finishing a program after finding sobriety during your time there, it may be tricky to start a completely new lifestyle outside of that familiar environment. During this time, it can be very easy to neglect the necessary practices learned along your way to sobriety. Given that everyday life is difficult enough on its own, trying to maintain sobriety on top of having a job, raising a family, paying bills, or anything else that comes along with being a person in society may become overwhelming and confusing.

You may come to find that you now have many priorities in your life apart from your sobriety. Even though considering loved ones, employment opportunities, and other important things are not inherently wrong, neglecting your sobriety can threaten all the gratifying work you have done thus far. That being said, there are many ways that you can practice prioritizing sobriety despite these challenges. Continue reading to learn more ways to prevent relapse.

Be Aware Of The Challenges

When we become aware of the upcoming challenges of everyday life, it allows us to plan for what is to come. Even though we have learned and adapted new healthy practices, implementing them into a different way of life can certainly be frustrating. Many situations can arise that may catch you off guard, therefore challenging your sobriety. By planning for new situations, you can set necessary boundaries that allow you to both honor other demands in life while still prioritizing sobriety.

Problematic circumstances may show up frequently when you enter this new life stage. Perhaps you have a loved one who wishes to spend more time with you upon your return home. Although you want to please them and spend time with them, that time spent with them may need to be limited to dedicate time to your own personal practices. Being aware of potential obstacles like this one can help you communicate with loved ones ahead of time to prevent sacrificing your own needs. By brainstorming potentially important situations, activities, and interactions that may jeopardize your commitment to staying sober, you can be better equipped for success.

Self-care Is Key

Often, the term “self-care” reminds people of things such as junk food, spending excessive amounts of money, or even routinely using beauty products like face masks. Despite this misconception, making it a daily routine to take care of yourself can assist you in keeping your sobriety the main focus of your life in such a way that does not involve the use of cosmetic products. Doing so can even lower stress levels and help you continuously feel centered no matter what trials and tribulations come your way.

Activities such as starting a new hobby or practicing prayer and meditation are not only fun but also highly beneficial for coping with stress or life changes. Making time to have fun while being sober is incredibly important. It is also important to continue seeking external help and advice in this new stage of recovery.

Meeting with sponsors and other people who are farther along in their journeys can offer comforting and informative support that you may not be able to find in your family, job, or other areas of your life. Self-care can certainly be fun, but it is also a necessary responsibility for you to make sobriety a priority, no matter where you are in life.

No, You Are Not Being Selfish!

It may feel like prioritizing yourself is selfish, but this thought is false. In fact, the very opposite of this is true. When we do not prioritize ourselves and our sobriety, we sacrifice ourselves and the things that are important to us. Furthermore, anything we prioritize before recovery will be the first thing we lose in our lives.

When we do not honor our new ways of life, we also fail to honor those around us. Maintaining these newly-learned habits prevents us from slipping back into old habits and potentially sacrificing our relationships along with our sobriety. Through these practices, we are granted the ability to grow into the highest version of ourselves without relapsing. By prioritizing your sobriety throughout your life, you are giving yourself the ability to respect and care for the people around you while also developing yourself.

Returning to day-to-day life can be surprisingly overwhelming and strenuous during recovery. Even though you have gained many useful skills to help you grow and cope with life, recovery is truly a lifelong journey that can have many unforeseen difficulties. The work that you have done to obtain sobriety continues throughout every stage of life. At Renaissance Ranch, we know how difficult it can be to transition into this next phase of your journey. Having a community of supporters is incredibly important throughout each step of the way. That is why we have our Band of Brothers alumni group available to you. In this group, we offer meetings with fellow Alumni members as well as fun-filled activities such as camping trips and sporting events that help you to continuously grow in a supportive community together. All of us here at the Renaissance Ranch are ready to help you through the next phase of your recovery when you feel ready. Contact us today at (801) 308-8898.