Have you ever noticed some activities, like brushing your teeth, take zero brain power? In other activities, it feels like you have to make every decision over and over again, like starting a new habit.
Our brains want to be efficient, using energy as sparingly as possible for mundane tasks while staying alert to new situations and possibilities. That’s why your routines are all on autopilot. You don’t have to think, make decisions, evaluate those decisions. You just brush your teeth.
By establishing rituals and routines, you can utilize this built-in energy saver to support your sobriety goals. They take a little work up front while you’re making them habits, but over time, these routines will become so habitual that they will come as naturally as brushing your teeth.
Ritual Vs. Routine
A routine is a scheduled group of events, like getting up, brushing your teeth, fixing your hair, eating breakfast, and going to work. How you get these activities done isn’t important, just so they happen in the time allotted. Some mornings, if you’re running late, you may eat breakfast in the car on the way to work rather than at the table, but that’s okay.
On the other hand, ritual is performing each act the same way every time. You turn off your alarm, stretch in bed for a few minutes, feed the cat, shower, dress, etc. The power of ritual is that doing things the exact same way every morning will turn on your autopilot. After a few weeks, you won’t have to think about it; you can just follow the established pattern without variation.
Ritual and Recovery
The autopilot of rituals can allow you to bypass what might otherwise be a triggering situation and help strengthen you for your day. For example:
Morning- You get up, stretch, read scriptures, pray for strength, fix some toast, hop in the shower, get dressed, and drive to work. You’ve incorporated spiritual practices that will start your day on a calm note and get ready for your day. If you normally start your day with a drink, you are rewriting that pattern to accommodate the new ritual.
After Work- If you normally hit the bar after work, you could establish a ritual of hitting the gym or walking. This will disrupt the old pattern. You’ll need workout clothes in the car, so add that to the morning ritual. Then, you drive to your workout, perform the prescribed physical routine, drive home, get some dinner, etc.
Before bed- If you use drugs or drink before bed to relax, then establish another relaxing ritual. Spend time reading, taking a bubble bath, listening to music, or playing games with your family. Find something new that accomplishes the same goal.
How to Establish Rituals
First, decide what you want to have happen in what order. Then try to follow the list. If you add actions or steps, add them to the list. It may feel burdensome to start, don’t worry about that. You’re creating a new pattern to help you stay sober and healthy.
Second, follow the list on every action exactly as it is written until you don’t have to look at the list anymore. Don’t deviate. You’re creating new neural pathways. Your brain is literally rewriting its program, and it does that through repetition. The more consistent you are, the faster and more deeply entrenched these new habits will become.
Start again if you get out of the habit of following the rituals you’ve designed. Go back to the list. You can always establish a different pattern if the routine isn’t serving its purpose. The process is the same. Make whatever adjustments you need to make, and then follow the new list.
Does Everything Have to Be Ritualized?
No. Some things just don’t happen the same way twice, especially if you have kids or pets who are masters of chaos. Everyone should have the ability to be spontaneous and seek the new and exciting.
The point isn’t to turn you into a robot in every area of your life. The object is to help you overcome old, destructive patterns by replacing them. You know when you’re weakest. You know what activities will make you stronger in your battle against addiction. You know what activities will undermine your success. Use the power of rituals and routines strategically to shore up your defenses.
Final Words
If you’re ready to make positive changes in your life and overcome your addictions, seek help today. You can search “women’s addiction recovery center” or “men’s drug rehab near me” to get help nearby. Rituals and routines are among the many tools you will gain in your battle against addiction. It’s time you got the support and care necessary to be healthy.