Recovery is possible, and finding reliable treatment benefits your chances of seeing a positive change. When you are staring down the long road to recovery, treatment can seem a bit daunting. But not to worry, the benefits you will see in your life from treatment are waiting for you along that journey.
Realizing how much you have lost to addiction jars the soul. When you hit bottom, you knew it was time to seek the change you needed. In making that admission, you have already taken an important first step toward recovery.
Did you know that hitting bottom is a sign of the early recovery process? So, take heart knowing that your wanting better for yourself and those around you has already set you apart. You know what you have lost and what you could lose to addiction. Now, you can work toward treatment and recovery to build a better, sober life.
How Treatment Benefits You
Realizing that substance use has negatively impacted your life and that you need to change is a monumental decision. Recognizing that there is a problem is the first step to finding a permanent solution.
Research shows that early interventions for substance use, even brief ones, can have a lasting impact on your future sobriety. Seeking help early can help reduce your risk of long-term health complications due to substance use.
Brief interventions can be powerful, but longer interventions are too. There is no wrong way to get help for substance use. In fact, longer treatments at inpatient facilities are shown to produce reliable changes in behavior with positive outcomes.
Barriers You Might Face to Treatment Benefits
We know that seeking treatment is one of the best decisions a person can make. So, what could hold someone back from making such a critical choice? There are a few reasons why someone might be hesitant to seek treatment.
- They may be in denial. Denying they have a problem may help them cope with the mental anguish that comes from addiction. But denial does not really help the way they think it does and will always lead back to being unable to fix their problem.
- People want to feel like they are in control, even when they are not. Admitting they are not in control can hurt their pride. This can lead to feelings of shame that they were not able to overcome their problems.
- Issues like pride, shame, and denial are all important in understanding why someone would not seek treatment. Another is fear of loss. A person may be afraid of losing friends and family if their problem becomes known. They may also face loss of employment, housing, or other critical needs.
Knowing where to go for help, what the options are, and what to expect is a good place to start. When we have the knowledge we need, we can better prepare. This gives us back the control that addiction takes from us.
Improving Your Life by Seeking Help
Sometimes we can feel a little doubt creep into our minds. This may be because we have sought help before and are coming back, or because we tried to do it on our own instead of with the proper support structure.
This time, make a resolution to let others help you through this process. Having the right care team can make all the difference in achieving lasting sobriety. And receiving treatment benefits you, allowing you to reach your recovery and improve your life.
The Treatment Benefits Waiting for You
Just as no person is the same as another, no one who seeks treatment for substance use is like another person who seeks treatment. People from every conceivable background enter these programs for a variety of reasons. But we all have the same goals: happiness, health, and a lifetime of sobriety.
Seeking treatment is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Living a sober life can help you heal, repair, or build social and family relationships in a healthy way. It may help you in employment, with health conditions, and even improve mental health.
The most obvious way treatment benefits you is by restoring your hope and faith. Recovery is indeed possible.
Enhancing Your Chance of Recovery
Addiction is a condition that can be treated, but successful treatment means we must look at it realistically. Substance abuse can be treated, and you can live a happy, healthy, and sober life. But it cannot be cured.
Instead, treatment for substance use is about managing it successfully. In treatment, we learn to challenge disruptive thoughts and behaviors that led to addictive behaviors.
We should also understand that relapse does not mean the end of treatment. Relapse can occur, but the important thing is that we re-engage with our treatment and our care team to get back on the road to recovery immediately.
Knowing all of this allows us to live the way we want to live, without the control substance use placed over us. It allows us to live to our full potential again and embrace those who we love. Understanding what we face gives us hope for the future.
Taking That Important First Step
We know the first mental step is admitting we have a problem. The first real-world step we have to take is picking up the phone and finding a treatment program that works for us.
Once we are in contact with a treatment center, the ball gets rolling. We can take assessments, and a care team can direct our treatment plan that is tailored to our needs. But the first step will always be picking up that phone and finding out how treatment benefits you.
You have made that critical first decision. You know that you need help and that substance use has taken control of your life. Now it is time to take that first real-world step and reach out to a treatment program to regain the control that substance use has taken away. No one can go it alone. We all need a little help when we are facing such a stigmatized problem. But the good news is that seeking treatment vastly improves every aspect of our lives, from work to home and play. When you need to find a treatment facility that works for you, look no further than Renaissance Ranch and call (801) 308-8898 today.