Women’s Drug and Alcohol Intervention
Few things are more devastating than watching your loved one in the chaos and self-destruction of addiction. Can’t they see how badly they need to quit using? Can’t they see how much they’re hurting themselves and everyone around them?
It all makes sense to you and me, but addiction is not rational. Your loved one may not see that they have a problem nor be willing to get help.
If your most sincere conversations and pleas aren’t getting through to your loved one, it may be time for a stronger approach in the form of intervention services. While Renaissance Refuge does not conduct interventions to get your loved one into our care, once you get them to our facility, we can take it from there by offering women’s addiction intervention services here in Heyburn, Idaho.
Our award-winning drug addiction recovery programs include medically-supervised detox, residential treatment, and intensive outpatient treatment. We take a faith-based, gender-specific approach to help people turn from the darkness of addiction to a brighter tomorrow on the path to long-term sobriety.

What Can my Loved One Expect from Women’s Intervention Services at Renaissance Refuge?
1. Detox. Your loved one may have tried detox on their own, and chances are, it didn’t go well. Self-detox is miserable and agonizing, but there’s a better way.
At the Refuge, we offer medically-supervised detox, which is far more effective than DIY. We consider the duration and extent of the patient’s addiction, the type of addiction, and the state of their physical and mental health. From there, our medical team creates a detox plan to cleanse the body of harmful substances and stabilize it for treatment.
This is done in a safe, measured way with combinations of medications to mitigate withdrawal symptoms. There will always be some discomfort with detox, but why should anyone suffer more than they have to? We take the unnecessary suffering out of the detox program to help make it achievable.
2. Residential Treatment. Our 60-day residential program (also known as our inpatient program) takes place in our beautiful, red brick home in the peaceful surroundings of Heyburn, Idaho. Our house is surrounded by the grandeur of the Albion Mountains and the Snake River. It’s a tranquil setting for letting go of destructive habits and beginning again.
This is a women’s-only house where all visitors are carefully vetted, and the safety of our residents is paramount. The home is run by skilled and compassionate staff members, many of whom are in recovery themselves. As such, they have a unique understanding of how to help the women at the Refuge.
There is a power in the sisterhood at the Refuge. Women work together, enjoy recreational activities together, and learn together. They share concerns and heartaches and hold each accountable. It is a safe, supportive setting for women to heal and change.
Residential treatment offers a highly structured environment for women’s addiction intervention services. We facilitate a deep focus on faith, based on the highly successful 12-step program. Women learn to admit they are powerless without a higher power. They learn to lean on the Savior rather than trying to carry their own burdens and rely on their own weakness. They develop strong spiritual habits that help them heal old wounds and develop confidence and resilience for future challenges.
The women at the Refuge are also immersed in mental health therapies. Even more commonly than with men’s addiction, women’s addiction is rooted in mental health challenges, often brought on by trauma from the past. To ignore mental health in addiction recovery is to paper over the very things that fuel addiction.
Through a variety of mental health therapies tailored to the unique needs of each resident, we provide tools and support for overcoming PTSD, depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and more. We help women turn away from harmful thought patterns that perpetuate feelings of low self-worth, perfectionism, and shame.
3. Outpatient Program/Sober Living Home. Following inpatient treatment, women move on to our eight-month outpatient women’s drug and alcohol intervention services. This is a bridge between the highly structured and contained environment of residential treatment and real life.
Women continue intensive treatment, easing back into work, school, family life, etc. They continue to participate in faith-based programs that keep them focused on a higher power. They also receive ongoing mental health therapies to replace destructive habits with healthy thoughts and coping skills.
If women can return home to a supportive environment, they may opt to live on their own during outpatient treatment. But many women choose to live in our Renaissance Refuge Sober Living Home during outpatient treatment. This allows them to stay in the close company of other women who are pursuing the same goals. Women can begin dealing with the ups and downs of daily life while still returning home to a wholesome, structured, encouraging environment where they feel loved while being held accountable.
4. Sober Sisters Alumni Program. Our parent company, Renaissance Ranch, is known for having some of the best alumni programs for addiction recovery. Our Sober Sisters alumni program is no exception.
Through weekly meetings, quarterly retreats, and other special events, our sisters stay connected for life. Addiction isolates you, so fighting addiction means cultivating healthy relationships. A solid support group can keep you grounded, encourage you when you’re feeling low, and keep you accountable to your goals.
My Loved One Doesn’t Think She has a Problem. How do I Stage an Intervention?
The main steps are to:
- Form a support group. Reach out to the people who care about and are in a position to help your loved one. This may include family, but it may also include co-workers or friends who are not so emotionally tied to your loved one’s substance abuse disorder.
- Make a plan. It’s usually best not to tell your loved one about the intervention in advance, but that doesn’t mean you should also be approaching the intervention spontaneously. An intervention involves careful planning. When will you meet? Where will you meet? Who will be there? How will you get your loved one there? Who will speak? What will you share? Interventions can be emotionally charged and easily go off script. You can help counter this by planning carefully for a desired outcome.
- Share concerns. Because your loved one may be living in denial of their substance abuse problem, you can use the intervention to explain the negative consequences of their addiction. You may have different people come prepared to share how they have personally been affected. These reflections should be shared objectively and never in a tone of accusation. “I messages” can help: “I felt hurt when you….”
- Outline a plan. Your plan may include inviting your loved one to take part in an addiction recovery program. Do your homework so that you can present options of different programs. Be sensitive to the fact that this is a big step for your loved one. They will need to leave many things behind while they heal…their job, their family. Anticipate these concerns and be prepared to explain how you can help make this possible. Who will care for her children while she is in recovery? Who will help her get back on her feet financially when she completes her recovery program?
- Share consequences. Your loved one may be open to your suggestion that she needs women’s addiction intervention services, or she may fight back with anger and denial. Be prepared to calmly state the consequences of your loved one not seeking help. Consequences should be specific, fair, and objective: “If you choose to continue using, I will no longer be able to….” Every member of the group should be on board with helping to enforce these consequences to keep your loved one accountable.
You may want to consult a professional interventionist for help. They can advise you on how to plan an effective intervention. You may even choose to have the interventionist attend the meeting to ensure that emotions stay in check and that the stage is set for your loved one to be accountable for her actions.
If your loved one is ready to accept help, change is possible. We see it every day at Renaissance Refuge as women learn to replace addiction with healthy habits and reclaim their lives. We are ready to help your loved one leave addiction behind through our women’s drug and alcohol intervention services here in Heyburn, Idaho.
Call To Learn More
If you or a loved one suffers from the horrors of substance abuse, then don’t wait for the problem to get worse before you try to make it better. It is crucial for individuals dealing with addiction to seek help as soon as possible, so that they can find themselves on a path towards lasting recovery. Give our caring team a call today to learn more