Renaissance Ranch

Lifestyle Changes That Are Conducive to Sobriety

Aug 19, 2024

There is no question that recurrent substance use can bring about a great deal of harm to an individual’s life. One of these harms is the potential development of addiction, which requires participation in a professional treatment program to overcome. Alongside treatment, however, those with addiction must also be willing to implement healthy lifestyle changes that are conducive to sobriety to sustain long-term abstinence and recovery. Nevertheless, there are many lifestyle changes worth considering. Learning more about the value of such lifestyle changes can be necessary in preventing relapse and enhancing each person’s quality of life in recovery. 

At Renaissance Ranch, we believe that the commitment to sobriety requires each person to implement lifestyle changes that enable continued abstinence and growth in recovery. Many of these lifestyle changes will be encouraged with the help of treatment professionals, such as turning to healthier coping strategies in the face of stress and adversity. Yet, other lifestyle changes conducive to sobriety must also be considered, such as the activities, hobbies, and events that an individual turns to as outlets for fun. 

Because addiction affects each person uniquely, it is important to understand that these suggested lifestyle changes may not be necessary for every person. However, surfacing these suggestions is an opportunity for each person to reflect on the ways that addiction has altered their lifestyle and identify what types of lifestyle changes they must make to sustain long-term abstinence in recovery. 

Harmful Lifestyle Changes Triggered by Addiction

To grasp the importance of implementing healthy lifestyle changes to sustain sobriety and recovery, it is first important for each person to reflect on the lifestyle changes they have adopted as a result of addiction. As explained by NIH News in Health, “People with addiction lose control over their actions. They crave and seek out drugs, alcohol, or other substances no matter what the cost—even at the risk of damaging friendships, hurting family, or losing jobs.” As a result, those with addiction are at risk of their overall wellness being compromised. 

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) explains that eight dimensions of wellness work together to contribute to a person’s overall wellness status. These dimensions include emotional, social, occupational, spiritual, intellectual, financial, physical, and environmental. Meanwhile, using these dimensions of wellness can allow us to recognize associated lifestyle changes that may result from perpetual alcohol and drug use. 

For instance, as intellectual and emotional wellness dimensions are affected by addiction, an individual may begin to isolate and withdraw from important responsibilities. Similarly, financial wellness is often impacted by addiction as individuals continue to fund their substance abuse. Many individuals may also become unemployed and struggle to find consistent work, affecting occupational wellness. These lifestyle changes and more can become commonplace alongside addiction, which can affect each person’s willingness to seek and sustain sobriety beyond treatment. 

Implementing Healthy Lifestyle Changes to Support Sobriety After Treatment

A professional treatment program will indeed help individuals recognize what lifestyle changes they must consider making to achieve and sustain sobriety long-term. Most of these changes will progress in therapy as people are assisted in navigating intrusive thought patterns, triggers, and trauma. However, some important lifestyle changes may still be overlooked. Thus, it is important to plan ahead and constantly reflect to know how to implement healthy lifestyle changes that are conducive to sobriety. 

Let’s take a look at some healthy lifestyle changes associated with each of the eight dimensions of wellness mentioned earlier. For instance, lifestyle changes aimed at fostering emotional wellness can include prioritizing time for daily self-care (such as reading, meditating, resting, or resetting one’s personal space), setting aside time to connect with emotional support systems (such as friends, family, and other loved ones), and using healthy coping mechanisms to process emotional distress. 

Oftentimes, the environmental dimension of wellness is often overlooked in the process of establishing lifestyle changes that are conducive to sobriety. Common environmental changes that support sobriety include removing alcohol and drug paraphernalia from the home environment, disengaging from party-like environments (such as bars or house parties), and setting aside more time to connect with natural, green spaces. Each of these lifestyle changes works to create physical distance from addiction triggers and establishes tranquility and calmness in an individual’s life. 

Other examples of sober lifestyle changes associated with the aforementioned dimensions of wellness include, but are not limited to:

  • Spiritual wellness: These changes could look like attending weekly spiritual services, reading the Gospel, volunteering with local non-profits, and spending more time in nature
  • Physical wellness: These changes could look like establishing a weekly exercise routine, cooking nutritious meals, increasing daily water intake, and getting more rest at night
  • Occupational wellness: These changes could look like working with a supervisor to alter work responsibilities to prevent burnout, taking a vacation, and exploring more meaningful career options
  • Intellectual wellness: These changes could look like reading more books, learning how to play an instrument, and engaging in more activities that challenge thoughts and beliefs

As individuals in recovery implement efforts to improve wellness in each dimension of their lives, they are not only enhancing their quality of life but also working to prevent relapse throughout long-term recovery. 

To learn more about implementing healthy lifestyle changes that are conducive to sobriety, reach out to us at Renaissance Ranch today. 

Many people may be under the impression that treatment alone will be enough to establish and sustain sobriety from addiction; however, that is not the case. Those in recovery must also be willing to implement lifestyle changes that are conducive to sobriety. By reflecting on the ways that addiction has affected each dimension of wellness, each person can work to establish associated lifestyle changes that work to improve wellness in recovery. At Renaissance Ranch, we believe that these lifestyle changes are a necessary part of preventing relapse throughout long-term recovery. Learn more about the treatment programs and services we offer for addiction recovery by reaching out to us at (801) 308-8898