Renaissance Ranch

Mantras to Get You Through Addiction Recovery

Jul 25, 2024

A mantra is a phrase or acronym that reminds you of certain facts, feelings, or procedures that strengthen you. In the process of drug or alcohol recovery, there will be phrases that help you overcome cravings, encourage you to keep moving forward, comfort you as you deal with addiction repercussions, and help you move toward a happier you.

Here is a list of mantras to help you on your road to recovery.

Mantras to Get You Through Addiction Recovery

(Yoav Farhi/unsplash)

I Am a Child of God and Have Access to God’s Power.

Some days are overwhelming, and you may feel weak or powerless. It’s important to remember where your power comes from and that God is neither weak nor powerless. He is greater than all the Earth, and you can overcome all things with his guiding hand.

I Have Within Me the Seeds of Greatness.

As God’s child, you have infinite potential. You have a purpose and a mission to perform. Addiction may cause you to lose sight of your potential, but it doesn’t diminish it. No matter what you’ve done or how far down the path of destruction you have traveled, it is never too late to return to God. It is never too late to ask him to show you how to make a difference in the world. Your story of triumph may be something someone else needs to hear to overcome their own problems.

I Have Angels to Surround Me.

Remember that God never sends his children into the world without backup. Angels surround you this very minute. At God’s direction, they can minister to you, protect you, and guide you. Pray for divine help in your battle against addiction.

The Scriptures Tell Me All Things I Should Do.

If you’re unfamiliar with the scriptures, now’s the time to get comfortable with them. They teach principles that will guide you in all situations. After 40 days and nights of fasting, Christ was tempted by the devil. In Matthew Chapter 4, we learn how Christ used scripture to counter his own temptations.

  • The devil challenged Jesus to make bread from a stone because he was hungry. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
  • The devil tempted Jesus to jump from the temple roof to prove legions of angels would protect him. Jesus countered, “It is written again, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”
  • The devil showed Jesus the treasures and kingdoms of the Earth and said that if Jesus would only worship the devil, he would give him everything. Jesus responded, “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

Read and memorize scripture to strengthen you when you are tempted. The Spirit will make these truths burn in your heart when you need them most.

Prayer Is a Mighty Sword.

One of the greatest weapons in your arsenal against temptation is prayer. Those moments when you don’t feel like praying are when you need prayer the most. Pray until you feel like praying. Be open and honest about where you’re at.

If you’re tempted, tell God, who will help you push through. If you feel weak, tell him, and he will lift you up. If you’re angry, tell him. His shoulders are broad enough to bear that burden, and after your rant, he will comfort you and help you find peace. Pray often, so turning to God in your darker moments is natural. Be real. Be raw. Ugly cry if you need to. Hold nothing back.

Serve Others to Lift Your Own Burdens.

Addiction is an isolating and selfish activity. Focusing on others can lift you out of the mire. Service is powerful. Blessings follow those who serve God’s children. The more you serve others, the stronger you will feel. The more you serve, the more you will see God’s hand working in your life and in the lives of those you serve.

Give Thanks in All Things.

It may seem counterintuitive to thank God for your time in addiction, but the strength you gain from overcoming addiction will help you in every other endeavor. Gratitude for your trials gives you a chance to develop a relationship with God that few ever experience.

None of God’s greatest warriors have had it easy. In the struggle, you learn to seek God. You learn to trust him and earn his trust in return. If you let him, God will work miracles in your life and the lives of others through you. You will have greater access to his power, better insight into the hearts of others, a stronger connection to your purpose, and greater resolve to follow God’s will. God didn’t give you this trial, but he never wastes an opportunity to use your challenges to help you grow.

Wrap Up

If you or someone you love needs help overcoming your addictions, call a Christian-based rehabilitation center today. Find an alcohol or drug rehab that focuses on the hope of recovery and your relationship with your Creator rather than judging you for the past. Our Christian treatment centers in Utah and Idaho will help you build a foundation of faith while dealing with the physical withdrawal symptoms, so you have the strength to keep fighting after you leave.