There are days in recovery when you feel weaker or more vulnerable to temptation and need extra help from God to stay sober. Recognizing it before you get into trouble is a major sign of progress. Accessing that help through prayer and scripture study allows God to provide the necessary strength, wisdom, and courage to make it through your hour of need.
Included in this article are some prayers you may find helpful if:
- You are new to prayer and don’t know what to say
- You’re overwhelmed and need something to focus on
- You could use a mantra to elevate your daily meditation
Just remember that God also hears the spontaneous prayers of an open heart. He wants to hear your grief, sorrow, pain, troubles, and doubts as much as He wants to hear your hopes for the future, your successes in recovery, and your discoveries in your growing faith.
Prayers to Help in Recovery
- God, I am struggling today, but I know You are with me. I am never alone. I will lean on Your strength to get me through this moment, second by second and minute by minute until this day is past.
- Jesus Christ died so that I could change. He did not give up on me, so I will not give up on myself.
- The Holy Ghost resides in me when I call for help. I do not face this alone.
- What’s passed is past and can no longer hurt me. I choose to look forward to the future I create.
- I will not overwhelm myself by thinking of the struggles of tomorrow or recounting the struggles of the past. If I take care of this moment, then tomorrow will take care of itself.
- I will not let hate and resentment disturb my peace. I release those negative emotions and give them to God. He is their judge, not me. I forgive so they have no power over me.
- I will seek help for wounds I cannot heal on my own. I know it shows strength rather than weakness to know when I need help. I take whatever steps are necessary to get where I need to go and live my best life.
- Help me be aware of the people around me today. Help me see someone’s needs. Help me be the one to lift their burden, and let this service lighten my heart.
- God, please help me connect with my body and treat it as the gift that it is. Help me recognize my needs so I can meet them in healthy ways.
- God, I am in pain. Though I know it will not last forever, it feels as if it will. Father, wrap me in Thine arms. Comfort me. Be with me now when I need you the most and help me to feel Your presence.
- God, I am overwhelmed. I cannot take another step without your help. Please lift my burden and give me relief. I turn it all over to you, Lord. Please take it from me. Help me renew my strength tonight so that I can carry on tomorrow.
- After a relapse: God I have faltered and I’m sorry. I am weak, but You are strong. With Your help, I know this is only a temporary setback. With Your help, I know I can still overcome my addictions. Father, forgive me and help me move forward. Help me learn from this and fight harder next time. Father, do not let me spiral into self-recrimination. I know that will only delay my healing. But fill me with light and peace and guide me back on the path of recovery. I turn my life over to You.
- Thank Thee, Father, for my life that I survived my addictions to reach this day. Thank Thee for guiding me to people who could help me and to a faith that could sustain me as I battled for control of my life. Thank Thee for walking with me, listening to my prayers, and guiding me to resources to help me get healthy. Thank Thee for caring about my health and well-being, for soothing my fears, and for comforting me when I hurt. Thank Thee for being gentle when I had setbacks and celebrating my successes. Thank Thee, Father, for my life.
Final Thoughts
As with any prayer, it’s less about the words you use and more about your intent. The most eloquent prayer ever said is meaningless if the person saying it has no emotional connection to the words or to the God to whom they are praying. If you can remember nothing else in an intense moment of pain, simply saying “help me” with true emotion is enough to reach the Heavens.
More support is available through our Christian treatment centers near Salt Lake City, Utah and Boise, Idaho. We offer a variety of programs to meet your needs, including day programs for women in recovery. We can help you find the right program to fit your needs.