Renaissance Ranch

Recovery Blog

The Battle for Sobriety: Reigniting Faith

The Battle for Sobriety: Reigniting Faith

It may be difficult to see past the present moment. If this is a moment where your faith is strong, you feel like it will never end. If this moment is full of fear and doubt as you seek to reinforce...

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Women, Substance Abuse, and Trauma

Women, Substance Abuse, and Trauma

A study reported to the National Library of Medicine tracked women with substance abuse disorders and found that 81% had experienced trauma. Trauma was defined as physical, sexual, or emotional...

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Gaslighting: How Addicts Manipulate

Gaslighting: How Addicts Manipulate

The term “gaslighting” has been thrown around quite a bit in recent media. The term originates from a movie set in the days when houses had gas lamps. The wife is wealthy, and the husband wants...

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