Choosing to reach out and access help for your addiction was an extremely courageous and life-changing choice to make. A lifetime of sobriety requires a lifelong journey of hard work and dedication to recovery. It is important to us at Renaissance Ranch that we offer you nothing short of the best support throughout your entire journey. Addiction treatment is a process, and we feel that providing a lifetime guarantee is a unique way for us to extend our support to you and your family even after you have initially completed one of our programs.
Why We Have a Lifetime Guarantee
Relapse can be a part of the recovery process for some individuals. We certainly hope relapses won’t occur, but we are fully prepared to help you in case you are on the track to relapse or have relapsed. As an alumnus facing a relapse, we are completely equipped and ready to help you get back on track. There is no reason to feel ashamed for needing additional help after completing one of our treatment programs. We offer a lifetime guarantee because we want to ensure that our alumni who have completed a program can get all of the necessary resources and support needed to continue recovery at any time.
Our lifetime guarantee is unique because at any time, so long as you follow through with clinical recommendations, we can offer all of our services to you for a lifetime. Sobriety is a lifetime journey so it only makes sense that we treat our alumni for a lifetime. With this support in place, we have seen that our alumni and Band of Brothers are more likely to remain in and stay committed to their recovery.
Steps You Can Take if a Relapse Occurs
If a relapse happens, there are multiple different steps you can take to get back on track. Recognizing that additional services are needed to aid in your recovery is likely the first step. From there, you can reach out to our treatment team and we will begin assessing what steps are needed to best help you moving forward.
Everyone’s recovery journey is different. Because of this, we could suggest an array of options in the case of a relapse. We can re-introduce detox, and inpatient treatment may be needed for some, while others could benefit equally from an outpatient program. Whatever it is that you are in need of, we will do our best to accommodate and meet your unique needs.
How to Qualify for the Lifetime Guarantee
The list of qualifications to ensure your lifetime guarantee is in place is as follows:
- You have completed 60 days of residential treatment
- All 12 Steps have been completed and all assignments given were completed
- You have read and signed the Aftercare Plan
- You have read and signed an approved Plan of Success
- 9 months of the Approved Aftercare Program have been completed
- In 90 days, you have completed 90 NA/AA meetings
- The meeting log has been completed and turned into a Renaissance Ranch Aftercare provider
- An approved sponsor has been acquired
- Attend 3 Aftercare meetings or 2 if you are out of the area
- Follow aftercare rules
- Fulfill the Plan of Success
- Attend weekly meetings unless in the aftercare program
- All financial obligations have been met
Our faith-based treatment has a mission to provide, support, and assist every individual in our care. Relapse will not change that. Reaching out for help, regardless of where you are in your sobriety, is brave and commendable. Our facility can be a wonderful place for you to find motivation from the outpouring of support we have for you for a lifetime.
What Our Lifetime Guarantee Means for Your Family
In addition to supporting you as our alumni, our lifetime guarantee means ongoing support for your family members as well. We value families and their involvement in your recovery. If at any time a family member needs additional support from us after your initial treatment program is completed, we can help.
Family involvement has been proven beneficial to those in recovery from addiction. We know that choosing sobriety is going to have an impact on you and your family. Because of this, we find it necessary to assist both alumni and their families for as long as it‘s needed.
To recognize you are on track for relapse does not mean failure. You are choosing a rewarding life by recovering from your addiction. However, this does not negate how difficult it can be. We want to assure you that if, as an alumnus, you need to be re-admitted to one of our programs, you are still just as courageous as you were when initially seeking help.
Recovery from addiction is a lifelong process. With that, we know relapse can be part of the journey. If a relapse is something you are facing, Renaissance Ranch can offer our services to you for a lifetime. Our lifetime guarantee is unique in that so long as you follow our treatment guidelines, the guarantee will remain in place. We encourage anyone facing relapse to contact us so we can help support you. We have found that in having a lifetime guarantee, our alumni tend to remain in and commit to their recovery. However, if you are struggling post-treatment, call us at (801) 308-8898 and we can assist you. Any services we offered previously, will become available to you if needed.