Renaissance Ranch

Therapeutic Methods

Multy-Faceted Approach to Treating Addiction

Addiction is a behavioral disease that affects people mentally, physically, and spiritually. For each individual who suffers from addiction, the impact of substance abuse is going to affect them differently. As such, it is important for individuals to find a recovery center that meets their specific needs, specifically when it comes to therapy.

Therapy is at the heart of any worthwhile rehab program. While there are other important components as well, at the end of the day you’re going to be utilizing group and individual therapy sessions to make personal growth. At Renaissance Ranch, we have chosen our therapeutic methods with precision based on how they perform with real people who go through our program.

Therapeutic Methods

Key Therapy Methods

While our specific methods can be tailored to the specific needs of our patients as individuals, there are four main methods of therapy that we have found helpful in treating addiction. They are as follows:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is a very common type of therapy that is used in addiction recovery and other behavioral treatment programs. The basis of CBT is that negative thought patterns are what fuel problematic behavior and that learning to recognize, address, and change those thought patterns will lead to positive changes in behavior.Learn More.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT, is geared around the idea of being mindful of one’s own emotions and learning to regulate and control those emotions so that they do not control you. It is a form of emotional regulation that helps build better self-control and is effective in managing relationships, both of which are crucial in addiction recovery. Learn More.
  • Medication-Assisted Therapy, or MAT, is a style of therapy that balances with various medications. In the field of addiction recovery, and our own rehab center, we use medications that impact mood and medications that lessen the physical effects of an illicit substance. All medication must be backed up with other tangible methods of therapy to be effective. Learn More.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR, is a method of psychotherapy that is highly effective as a treatment for trauma. Since trauma is a present factor in the lives of many addicts, it is a critical modern tool in treating addiction. Learn More.

Using The 12-Steps

The 12-step program is one of the most notable addiction recovery programs. Created for groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12 steps works is a detailed breakdown of the mental battle that an addict must undertake to rid themselves of the negative thought patterns and guilt that entrap them in addiction.

At Renaissance Ranch, we use the 12-step program as the framework for our own program and then implement each of our advanced therapeutic techniques to meet each patients specific needs. The 12-steps also inherently fits within our LDS philosophy, due to its use of building a relationship with a higher power as a way to build esteem, self-control, and change behavior. LDS teachings, at their heart, can pair with the 12 Steps to empower recovery.

Understanding the Use of Medication

Nowadays, effective modern rehab programs utilize medication-assisted therapy, or MAT, to help reduce the physical effects of substance dependency, and to help prevent withdrawals. MAT isn’t an effective form of treatment solely on its own, but it can be a powerful addition to a comprehensive recovery program. Here are some of the common medications used to help treat addiction.

  • Vivitrol
  • Naloxone
  • Antabuse
  • Campral
  • Suboxone
  • Buprenex
  • Paxil
  • Provigil
  • Norpramin
  • Remeron
  • Buproban
  • Fanatrex
  • Sabril
  • Kemstro
  • Topamax

Learn More About Our Drug Rehab Center in Utah

If you have any questions about our therapeutic methods or any other aspect of our treatment program, don’t reach out to give us a call! At Renaissance Ranch, we strive to bring the best possible drug rehab services to the people of Utah. Reach out to our center to learn more!