Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Using Cognitive Behavioral  Therapy For Drug Rehab

Cognitive behavior therapy, or CBT, is one of the most effective therapeutic modalities that we use at Renaissance Ranch. CBT is a specific method of psychotherapy that hones in on a person’s thought patterns and seeks to change them to influence positive behavioral changes. It is a highly powerful tool in addiction recovery.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

How CBT Works

CBT isn’t generally used to be a long-form therapy. This makes it ideal to incorporate in addiction recovery programs since inpatient treatment is generally a short-to-medium term commitment. As a therapeutic method, CBT helps therapists and counselors quickly get to the root of the problem in a patient’s life. It is also a very cause-and-effect focused form of therapy, which can lead to tangible changes in thought processes that lead to problematic behavior.

The reason it is so important to focus on destructive thought patterns is due to the fact that it is so hard for a patient to recognize those thoughts outside of a therapeutic environment. Feelings of stress, frustration, and anxiety make it difficult for loved ones to positively engage and communicate with someone suffering from substance abuse.

CBT helps people overcome several key hurdles that get in the way of the path to recovery, including the following:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Poor perception abilities
  • A state of depression

Recognizing Negative Thought Patterns

The key component of CBT is to recognize, address, and work to change negative thought patterns so that they don’t control a person’s behavior. The root of a person’s addiction can often be mixed within these negative thought patterns, and so learning to break that cycle of destructive thinking is of the utmost importance.

These are 5 of the most common types of destructive thought patterns that CBT teaches to recognize and change:

  • Overgeneralizing: This occurs when a person looks at a bad thing and then apply that one negative instance to their whole life. This leads to immense overreactions that take over a person’s life, such as thinking that people who are mad at them once will always hate them.
  • Oversimplifying: This is when someone takes a strictly white-and-black, or some other binary view, of a situation. If someone views the world this way, then they begin to think that things are great or terrible, and this usually leads to people thinking things are often terrible because they can’t be perfect.
  • Overloading responsibilities: This is when a person considers everything around them to be within their control, regardless of whether they have any control or not. This is a constant source of guilt since they assume that everything wrong must be their fault.
  • Abstraction: Abstraction, or selective abstraction, occurs when someone continually focuses on the things they perceive they do wrong, to the point where they disregard any logic about their own self-worth.
  • Overfocusing on the self: This is when a person always thinks that people around them are thinking about them or focusing on them in some way, which leads them to self-focus on their own failures.

Each of these thought patterns is commonly found in people who struggle with addiction. After all, addiction is a behavioral disease that is heavily impacted by elements of shame and regret, and those feelings can be twisted within negative thought patterns until they manifest as something much more destructive.

CBT Techniques

The concepts behind CBT are sound, but they don’t mean anything without a sound method to put them into practice. At Renaissance Ranch, we utilize several exercises and activities with our clients to teach them how to utilize cognitive behavior therapy in their recovery.

Here are some of the ways that we work with patients to change negative thought patterns and use CBT:

  • Mindfulness meditation, which helps patients focus to control their thoughts.
  • Recovery journaling, which helps patients organize their thoughts and take stock of their emotions.
  • Breathing exercises, which help patients reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Mental games and exercises that help patients change their perception of themselves.
  • Establishing better healthy habits and life skills that build self-esteem.

Call For Help Today!

Reach out to Renaissance Ranch today if you are looking for help for you or a loved one. We have helped countless individuals throughout Utah beat addiction and get on the road to a lasting recovery. Our treatment is rooted in a balance of advanced clinical methods, strong therapeutic practices, and an LDS-based philosophy that helps lead our patients to sobriety.

If you have any questions, our helpful and caring staff can help determine if you or a loved one can benefit from our program on the road to lasting recovery.