Some men may have a more difficult time feeling comfortable seeking or participating in mental health treatment. According to the American Journal of Men’s Health, “Findings consistently indicate that many men are reluctant to seek help for mental health concerns.” Unfortunately, men with substance use disorder (SUD) have a higher risk of experiencing mental health issues that may require professional treatment. What’s more, the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and addiction may prevent men from seeking help, thus interfering with their ability to achieve long-term recovery. Renaissance Ranch offers gender-specific rehabilitation programs to ensure that clients receive support tailored to their unique needs.
The Importance of Normalizing Conversations About Men’s Mental Health
Normalizing conversations about men’s health reduces stigma and increases the effectiveness of therapy or other treatments. Despite the proven benefits of therapy, men are less likely to start or remain in therapy. Normalizing discussions about recovery programs may encourage men to stay in treatment longer. Treatment programs at Renaissance Ranch support active engagement by providing gender-specific care and men-only programs with tailored therapies. Creating a safe space for men to discuss their feelings, thoughts, and beliefs without judgment can improve treatment outcomes.
Normalizing conversations about men’s mental health during treatment for SUD also does the following:
- Encourages peer engagement
- Reduces social isolation or feelings of loneliness
- Combats stigmas and disinformation
- Encourages healthy self-expression
- Challenges harmful stereotypes
Freely discussing mental health topics creates a safer and more welcoming environment for clients. According to the American Journal of Men’s Health, “The stigma of men’s mental illness has been described as having wide-reaching and profound consequences beyond the condition[s] itself.” In addition, “Stigma negatively impacts men’s mental health help-seeking and the use of services amid impeding disclosures, diminishing social connection and amplifying economic hardship.” Men deserve to feel comfortable getting the help they need to manage mental health issues.
Social Expectations and Stigma May Interfere With Recovery
Some of the stigma and unhealthy social expectations surrounding men’s mental health include the following:
- Emotional suppression to avoid vulnerability
- Avoiding mental health support to maintain a “strong” image
- The expectation for men to remain stoic and limit their emotional expression
- Therapy is often stereotyped as “unmasculine” or something for “weak” men
- Avoiding discussing mental health issues in case this would affect career development
Men have a higher risk of using self-destructive behaviors, including substance abuse, to manage mental health issues instead of seeking professional help. However, over time, maladaptive coping mechanisms worsen mental health and contribute to other health issues. Early intervention and treatment is the best way for men to avoid experiencing severe symptoms and side effects of mental health disorders.
Common Issues Affecting Men’s Mental Health
A few of the most common mental health issues affecting men include the following:
- Major depressive disorder (MDD) and other depressive disorders
- Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and other anxiety disorders
- Suicidal ideation and self-harming behaviors
- Anger and impulse control issues
- Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
- Eating disorders (EDs)
Social stereotypes and stigma often make it difficult for men to recognize when they begin to experience concerning mental health symptoms. For example, men may not realize they have an eating disorder because it is often considered a female mental health issue.
Why Should Loved Ones Talk to Men About Mental Health?
Men may feel socially pressured not to express emotion freely. Talking to men about mental health may feel awkward or unproductive at first. However, consistently and openly discussing mental health topics may help men feel more comfortable expressing themselves and processing emotions in a healthy way. Family and friends can support men in their lives and make it easier for them to seek help by discussing mental health topics and providing nonjudgmental support.
Addressing Men’s Mental Health at Renaissance Ranch
Renaissance Ranch offers gender-specific programs and services to help men heal in a comfortable, safe, and controlled environment. The fellowship and sense of belonging men experience during treatment reduces the risk of relapse by assisting men in developing stronger support networks. Treatment programs use therapy, peer support, prescription medications, holistic therapies, and other services to address men’s mental health needs. Every level of care provides individualized treatment plans to ensure that men feel heard and understood.
The Benefits of Gender-Specific Programs
Men may feel uncomfortable being vulnerable in co-ed treatment programs. The social expectation of being “strong” and “stoic” in the face of emotional distress may leave some men unable to process events appropriately in co-ed groups. Men-only groups can help men feel safer being vulnerable and opening up with peers. The addiction recovery and mental health experts at Renaissance Ranch collaborate with clients and their loved ones to provide personalized care that addresses men’s needs.
Gender-specific programs make it easier for men to discuss complex topics, including the following:
- Mental health
- Symptoms of addiction
- Self-harming behaviors
- Suicidal ideation
- Domestic abuse
- Anger issues
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Relationship problems
- Family dynamics
Individual and group therapy provides men with a safe and private space to discuss challenging topics with others who may share similar life experiences. Speaking up about men’s mental health and using resources like therapy to process mental health issues reduces the risk of relapse for individuals with SUD.
Men are less likely to discuss their emotional needs or seek out mental health support. Often, men use self-isolating behaviors and socially acceptable maladaptive behaviors to cope with emotional distress. These unhealthy methods may increase stress and worsen symptoms of mental health disorders. Men in treatment for substance abuse benefit from taking advantage of therapy, peer support, and other services to address mental health needs in a safe and supportive environment. Renaissance Ranch uses individual and group therapy, family therapy, and other therapeutic tools to help men heal and build healthier coping skills. To learn more about our programs and how we address gender-specific needs, call our office today at (801) 308-8898.