Renaissance Ranch

5 Advantages to Seeking God in Recovery

Dec 13, 2022

Have you found yourself feeling alone amidst addiction? Do you feel like no one understands what you are going through or as if you have no one to talk to? Seeking God in recovery can offer you comfort and reassurance when you need it the most. 

There are many benefits to having a spiritual connection as you enter treatment and begin your journey to recovery. Addiction can result in a lot of loss. It can cause you to lose your sense of self and what is important to you. Substance abuse often results in the loss of relationships and bonds with important people in your life. You may also lose opportunities such as jobs, supports, or important community connections. 

These losses can leave you feeling isolated and hopeless. This is where seeking God can make a difference. The great news is that God is always there. No matter what you are facing, and regardless of what mistakes you have made, God forgives you and is there to help you through even the darkest of times. 

Seeking God in Recovery

When it comes to seeking help and selecting a treatment facility, finding a program that encourages and supports faith in God as part of recovery can be beneficial. Below are five advantages to seeking God in recovery. 

#1. Relinquishing Control

Relinquishing control is the premise of Step Three in 12-Step programs. Control can be a difficult thing to give up for some. When you are struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol, the fact is that you have already lost control. Your addiction has assumed control over your mind, body, and decision-making. 

When you give God control, you become confident in His ability to carry you through. Often, beginning treatment can result in feelings of uncertainty, hopelessness, and fear. Making the decision to enter treatment and begin your journey of recovery is a big one. 

However, it also signifies a lot of work ahead. The great news is that you do not have to walk this road alone. By giving God control, you can have the peace of mind that someone greater than yourself is helping you fight your battles and guiding you every step of the way. 

#2. Connection

Another advantage of seeking God as you enter recovery is the connection to Him and others you will develop as a result. A relationship with God is a connection that cannot be broken as a result of mistakes, lack of communication, or even betrayal. God’s love is unconditional. This means that He is there for you no matter what. Knowing that you have someone to turn to, talk to, and confide in under any circumstances is very comforting. 

Seeking God throughout treatment and recovery can also result in connections with other like-minded people. As part of a faith-based program, you are likely to attend church services and gatherings that allow you to fellowship and worship. This creates an environment of support and will enable you to meet and develop relationships with others who also prioritize sobriety and faith in God. 

#3. Faith

A little faith can go a long way. As you heal from addiction, you will need to have faith in yourself and someone or something greater than you when things feel too tough to manage alone. Putting your faith in God during tough times can give you the courage you need to get through each day. 

In recovery, you will have good days and bad days. This is inevitable. On the bad days, faith in God and your ability to persevere can make all the difference. 

#4. Hope

Faith and hope often go hand in hand. Hope refers to a state of mind. When you put your faith in God, you are better able to maintain an optimistic and hopeful outlook. It can be easy to get discouraged. Addiction is a very powerful disease and can leave you questioning your strength and ability to overcome it. 

However, hope creates possibility. When you have hope, you have something to hold onto, even when things are difficult. God provides hope in His promise to carry us through. 

#5. Support and Accountability

Having a good support system and consistent accountability as you aim to heal from addiction is essential. You cannot do it alone, and this is never expected. Seeking God and developing a close relationship with Him creates an unwavering level of support and accountability. 

Through studying scripture and prayer, God guides you and offers support when you may feel like giving up. By staying connected to God, you have an accountability partner for better or for worse. 

Seeking God in recovery is something that has been proven to enhance the outcome of treatment and recovery. When you need someone to listen, lean on, or even take control, God is always up for the job.  

Seeking God and maintaining a relationship with Him throughout treatment and recovery can be extremely helpful. God is always there to listen when you feel alone or need someone to talk to. At Renaissance Ranch, we combine evidence-based treatments with faith-based principles to create a whole-person transformation through treatment. We recognize the value spirituality can have on a person working to overcome addiction, and we encourage exploring this. If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and would like to learn more about our programs, we would love to connect with you. To get started, call Renaissance Ranch today at (801) 308-8898.