Renaissance Ranch

Cold Turkey and Tobacco Addiction Part 2

Oct 15, 2016


This post is a continuation of a previous article that discussed a recent study on the success rate of quitting tobacco, immediately, versus an approach that gradually takes the subject off of tobacco. While there was a higher success rate for those who quit immediately, there are other factors that needed to be considered. This post will discuss other factors into quitting smoking, and offer tips that quitters may find helpful in their journey.

Quitting usually requires finding other ways to deal with anxiety

In order to find effective ways to help people quit smoking, we need to acknowledge the underlying mental factors behind why people become dependent on a substance, in the first place. Part of this is the physical dependency that tobacco creates, but just as important is the understanding that many people start smoking cigarettes as a way to deal with anxiety. People looking to quit tobacco use need to mentally prepare themselves for breaking their dependency to nicotine. In order to do this, it’s important to find productive, positive, and healthy ways to combat anxiety. Find sustainable ways to deal with the ever flowing challenges of life, and the mental dependency on tobacco will break much easier.

Most people have quit multiple times

As we stated in the previous article, one likely reason for the higher success rate of smokers who stopped using, immediately, is that they had tried to quit gradually, before. This brings up an important part of the issue that is important for every person who struggles with tobacco addiction to remember: ending addiction is a process. Every smoker has quit, multiple times. What we are now realizing is that it may often be an important part of the recovery process to relapse, at least once. While nobody wants this to be the case, it does improve the chances of being able to quit, once and for all, later down the road.

Here are some different tips to quit smoking

Make sure to set up a complete plan to help you quit smoking. Most people aren’t able to just up and quit whenever they feel like it. You need a strategy to help you know when you’re on track and when you’re not. Include your friends and family in this plan so that they can help you be accountable. Also, being active is always a good foundation to building a more positive lifestyle, and will help you recognize the physical benefits that start to come back when you stop smoking.