Renaissance Ranch

How to Improve Self-Confidence in Recovery

Nov 5, 2022

Confidence is something that everyone struggles with from time to time. It may be a constant struggle for some, with a lack of confidence being somewhat of a personality trait. Others may struggle with confidence as a result of a situation or circumstance. 

Confidence can affect the way you think, behave, and perform. For instance, you are more likely to present as insecure, unsure, and passive if you lack confidence. You may interview poorly for a job even though you are well-qualified.     Relationships may be a struggle. You might find crowds or communication to be difficult. 

A lack of confidence may present in the following ways:

  • Weak eye contact
  • Self-criticism
  • Overreacting
  • Assigning blame
  • Negativity
  • Passive behavior
  • Difficulty trusting others

Because confidence is so influential in how you behave, you must work to build confidence during treatment for substance abuse. Upon entering the program, you may feel very low. Addiction can leave you feeling hopeless, out of control, and unmotivated. 

Luckily, there are programs and activities designed to help you build confidence and feel capable of coping with challenges in recovery as they arise. Below are a few ways you can work to improve self-confidence in treatment and recovery. 

Participate in Therapy

Therapy is often part of the treatment plan for substance abuse. You will likely receive individual therapy and therapy in groups. Throughout these sessions, you will be encouraged to consider and speak about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Fear of rejection or judgment can often make it difficult to open up. 

The more you practice speaking freely and honestly during therapy sessions, the more comfortable you will become with this level of vulnerability. This is where your confidence begins to build. As you recognize the level of support and encouragement you receive as a result of sharing things during therapy, you will become more confident and feel more validated. 

You may also find that sharing things aloud can be relieving. Holding on to negative or hurtful thoughts and feelings can be harmful to your progress. By talking through your thoughts and experiences, you can feel better prepared to handle things moving forward. This will allow you to adjust your response to serve you and your goals. 

Try New Things

Treatment is an excellent time to try new things and discover new hobbies. You might even find that you have some skills you were unaware of. You could try a new form of exercise or a new sport. Trying new things during treatment gives you options for staying busy and productive during recovery. 

Keeping yourself occupied as you enter recovery is important for many reasons. If you have many activity options to pull from, you will feel more confident in your ability to fill your days with meaningful, healthy activities. 

If you happen to discover a new hobby or skill as a result of trying something new, this can also be a confidence boost. Finding things you are good at feels good and can even lead to opportunities for income or socialization in recovery. 

Give Back

Giving back can be extremely rewarding. By participating in things like the Band of Brothers alumni program, you can share your knowledge and experience with someone who is following in your footsteps. Being able to speak from experience and offer empathy and support to individuals who may be new to recovery can be very fulfilling.

Giving back by participating in volunteering or community service can also help build confidence. Having a purpose is something we all long for. As you begin your new life after treatment, it will take some time to adjust. If you already have community connections lined up, you will feel more sure of yourself and confident in your success. 

Exercise and Eat Well

You have heard it time and time again: Exercise and a healthy diet are the keys to overall wellness. There is some truth to this. Staying active and eating well makes a significant difference when it comes to things like sleep, focus, stress management, organ function, and more.

Staying active and consuming a balanced diet can also affect your mental health. It helps balance your mood and reduces cortisol levels. If you feel well, you are more likely to perform well. When you feel and function your best, you are more confident. 

Feeling confident as you enter recovery is crucial. If you have self-doubt, you are more likely to give in to your fears of failure. At Renaissance Ranch, you will be provided with the tools you need to stay on track and achieve success. You will be surrounded by people who support you and share a common goal. By taking advantage of the opportunities provided during treatment, you can feel well-equipped to cope with any challenges or adversity you might face in recovery. 

Feeling confident in yourself as you leave treatment and enter recovery is very important. You will need to feel prepared to take on life without around-the-clock supervision. You will be free to make decisions about what you do with your time, and it is up to you to choose wisely. Taking opportunities to build confidence in areas like communication, wellness, and performance during treatment will allow you to feel more confident in these areas in recovery. If you or someone you care about is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, we would love to speak to you about our programs. To get started, call Renaissance Ranch today at (801) 308-8898.