Recovery Blog
How Alumni Fellowship Can Help You Stay Sober
Addiction is a lonely disease. People suffering from addiction often fear judgment and recrimination from their family and peers. They seek to hide their addiction from the world, ashamed that they...
How Big of a Role Do Depression Symptoms Play in Addiction?
Depression plays a bigger role in addiction than many people realize. Addiction and depression symptoms are interrelated, and understanding this connection can be crucial to saving a life.While...
The Best Faith-based Mindsets for Recovery
Addiction is a challenging disease made even more difficult because it messes with brain chemistry. Our thoughts shape our reality, but when chemicals alter our thoughts, they can become distorted....
The Benefits of Recovery-Focused Online Classes
The transition into early recovery can be a vulnerable time. It is common for even the most recovery-driven individual with substance use disorder (SUD) to relapse within the first year after...
The Power of Yoga in Women’s Trauma Recovery
Addiction is often a byproduct of trauma. After an intensely horrifying experience or sustained trauma, we can be left with feelings of shame, self-doubt, fear, anxiety, and more. Some events are so...
Why Healthy Friendships Are Important for Mental Health
Not everyone can say that they have healthy friendships that motivate them to be their best. Those who do are lucky indeed. Yet, it's a common misconception that having great friendships equates to...
Finding Ways to Cope with Parental Guilt in Addiction Recovery
Parenting is perhaps the most difficult job in the world. It’s not like the kid came with an instruction manual. Parents take their observations of other parents, their experiences as a child, and...
5 Famous Athletes Who Overcame Addiction
Addiction doesn't discriminate. Although teens and young adults are often the most susceptible to substance abuse, addiction will grab onto whoever it can, like an octopus wrapping its tentacles...
Strengthening Relationships With Family While in Recovery
Continuously growing and strengthening relationships is important for good mental health. Humans are social beings who require deep connections with others to remain healthy and happy. For those...
What Are the Cluster Groups of Personality Disorders?
A wide range of mental health disorders exist, and their symptoms and treatments often overlap. Thus, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) categorized these personality...
What’s the Big Deal with Club Drugs?
If you attend raves or drug parties, you may have spiraled into a world that you never intended to be a part of. A world where consuming club drugs is a typical Friday night activity. If that sounds...
How to Find Motivation During Recovery
Finding motivation during recovery requires people to shed their old lives. They must have discipline and patience to maintain a new and improved lifestyle. After the initial stages of recovery,...