Renaissance Ranch

The Value of Sober Living Homes for Young Men Facing Problems With Party Drugs

Jan 6, 2024

For many individuals, early recovery can be a vulnerable phase. Thus, it can be difficult for young men 18+ to transition into early recovery. This can be due to unwanted social pressure to attend house parties, concerts, events, and more. It can be especially hard for young men to cope with the negative stigma and stereotypes from peers as well. Choosing to reside in a sober living home can provide the support needed to stay abstinent from party drugs. One may learn the sober living skills needed to respond to unwanted substance triggers during recovery. Spending time with like-minded individuals who are on the same path to recovery can provide the support needed to maintain abstinence from drugs and alcohol. 

The Many Challenges Young Men Face in Early Recovery

Transitioning into recovery can be an overwhelming step, especially for younger men. In early adulthood, young adults are busy dating, sorting out college, and building their careers. This can be a very stressful phase in one’s life. It is common for young adults to use party drugs or drink to decompress from their hectic schedules on the weekends. 

According to Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, it is imperative to address any risk factors for relapse while in the first year of recovery. Researchers have estimated approximately two-thirds of those in recovery relapse within the first few months after starting treatment. Many individuals in recovery no longer require to spend time recovering from the effects of substances, they have at least 18 hours of unoccupied free time. Therefore, an individual must find new sober activities to fill these new hours to prevent an unwanted substance relapse. 

What Are Sober Living Homes?

An individual transitioning into early recovery is often required to remove friendships with those who continue to engage in addictive behaviors. This can be a very lonely process. One may try to rebuild one’s life but lack emotional support. Support from family and peers is crucial to help one maintain long-term abstinence. If an individual is facing problems coping with their addiction in recovery, aftercare services with a specialist can also be helpful. 

Choosing to reside in a sober living home after completing an addiction treatment program can be a beneficial choice for young men. According to the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, some individuals lack a healthy environment to return to after treatment. This can derail even the most dedicated individual’s recovery. A content environment with positive sober individuals is a significant aspect of an individual’s social network. Sober living homes intend to provide a safe living environment free from drugs or alcohol to help individuals prep for an independent life outside of professional treatment. 

The Benefits of Residing With Male Peers

Based on the Yale Journal of Biological Medicine (YJBM), an individual must learn acceptance and understand the different stages of relapse including the five rules of recovery to maintain long-term sobriety. Following the five rules of recovery and learning sober living skills with peers in a sober living home can help one stay on track after treatment. The five rules of recovery include: 

  • Taking action to change one’s life
  • Staying completely honest
  • Reaching out for support and help when needed
  • Continue to practice self-care
  • Do not bend the rules

Young men can support one another in a sober living home by recognizing the signs of relapse. These include: 

  • Emotional relapse
  • Mental relapse
  • Physical relapse

Participating in Sober Activities With Peers in Sober Living Homes

Filling free time and building relationships with those who have a healthy mindset can prevent unwanted substance triggers. Intense cravings can come to the surface when an individual is bored. Spending time with peers who are in a similar condition can help one stay busy and provide support to better cope while in recovery. Sometimes becoming a part of an alumni program, attending alumni events, and participating in weekly alumni meetings provide many benefits. An individual may build a stronger social network with their community. By doing so, this opens doors for new opportunities and extended support. Enjoyable sober-free activities one may want to explore might include: 

  • Boating and swimming
  • Hiking scenic trails
  • Biking 
  • Kayaking
  • Tubing
  • Checking out a museum

The Value of Sober Living Homes at Renaissance Ranch

Choosing to move forward with Renaissance Ranch can significantly change an individual’s life. Renaissance Ranch can provide safety and accountability for young men facing problems with addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions. Their sober living environment, alumni programs, and family education programs can help men find the strength to move forward independently in recovery. The Band of Brothers program understands sobriety is a lifelong journey. Men who have completed each stage in their treatment program also have the opportunity to connect with newer members of the community and provide guidance to help those facing challenges in their recovery.

Renaissance Ranch Outpatient Sober Living Home provides a safe and structured environment where clients can live while they are enrolled in our outpatient program for addiction recovery. We understand the support for our patients doesn’t end when they complete their stay at our program. Sober living adds a level of accountability for clients, which is critical in their early sobriety. We offer a unique, clinically driven approach to prepare men for addiction recovery. On top of everything we do as far as events & meetings, we also have built an app that continues to provide long-term care and recovery resources for our alumni even after completing treatment. Call Renaissance Ranch at (801) 308-8898 to learn more.