Renaissance Ranch

What Does Day-to-Day Sobriety Look Like?

Oct 7, 2019

So, rehab is over and it’s time to head home, but what is that going to look like? The last time you were out in the real world, your days were spent obtaining and using drugs. Things will have to be very different now, but what does that mean exactly? It means you’ll be taking things one day at a time, which is best done by filling your schedule with activities that support your recovery.

Get Focused

Whether you’re heading out for a day of work, school, or recreation, you should begin each day the same way, with prayer. Ask for strength to meet obstacles head-on, because they’re sure to come along, and take the time to show gratitude for all that you have. The morning is also a good time for some quiet meditation to get connected to a good place. Once you’re properly grounded, plan out your day. It’s easier to stick to your recovery program when you know what your day has in store for you. Write down a schedule, and then stick to it the best you can.

Get Support

If you’re heading out to work or school, you’ll be surrounded by other people and productive activities, which makes for a great day with the right attitude. If you’ve got something else on the schedule, or for activities taking place after your normal workday, invite a friend to come along. Loneliness and boredom can derail recovery pretty quickly, so reach out to your loved ones for support. Go for a walk, play cards, or just sit and talk, as long as you’re in good company.

Get Active

Maintaining a healthy body and mind is essential to recovery, so get out and get those endorphins flowing. Regular exercise is just what the doctor ordered. If you can get out and spend some time in nature, even better. Take a yoga class or go for a hike and you’ll find your day passes more often than not in an easy, happy way. If you don’t feel like being active, that’s exactly when you need to step it up, because feeling lethargic or unmotivated is an early sign of depression.

Get Involved

The most important thing on your daily schedule needs to be attending your recovery meetings and activities. Make sure to stay involved with your 12-step program and all other aspects of aftercare. This will give you opportunities to continue healing and to help others to do the same. Working the program can and should take up a significant amount of your time and attention, so you won’t be left on your own when you head home after rehab.